
WILF stands for Wife I Love to Fuck.

WilfMovies.com features movies that are about (or contains scenes of) cheating wives or girlfriends, wife sharing, wife swapping, swinging, wife rape (mostly rape that turns consensual because the wife starts liking it), cuckolding and other related topics. A lot of people are interested in this theme for research purposes, or just to get off (In this day and age, don’t they mean the same thing?). Our site aims to help these people hunt for movies that have the cheating wife theme, whether they are obscure or popular, erotic or boring, x-rated or artsy. And we will also hunt for these movies all over the globe: from Asia, Europe, South America, North America, etc.

So if you know of any wilf-related movies, please help us out by mentioning them in the forum.

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