O vară foarte instabilă / A Very Unsettled Summer
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9uXaGJqXnNc (trailer)
https://vk.com/video224825994_167095268 (englisch)
Till We Meet Again
cheating girlfriend
someone was looking for this
Potosi 2013
(As someone asked, I haven't watched this, and not sure about cheating)
@indian_rockstar tnx brother... 🙂 do u know anything about "Aashram" unblur version...?
@ducdaide Nope, this isn't what I was talking about. The movie is in English, he tells his wife just let the love scene play out until she is uncomfortable, she ends up getting turned on for real during the scene and they have real sex and she has an orgasm Infront of her husband and the other crew people, after she has the post but clarity she runs off in shock. Later she ends up having sex with him properly.
Someone has to die
Episodes -3
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? EP03: ? 29'50 | NUDE/SEX/CHEAT
➥ Hot MILF is fucked by the best friend of her son
Madrid, 1950. Gabino Falcon is back to Madri after 10 years. He went to live with his aunts in Mexico, after a family tragedy. His return moves the Falcón family and also the Aldama family. Gregorio Falcon is the Subdirector of Security and have close business with the Santos Aldama, owner of the Aldama Shoe Factory, providing "free employees" - prisoners - to work for free at the friend's factory. To consolidate their business, the two plan their children's wedding - Gabino Falcon and the beautiful Caeytana Aldama. But Gabino has other plans. He returns to Spain with his best friend, the ballet dancer - Lazaro. Gabino wants to get to know Paris with his friend, who wants to join a Paris ballet group. But Gregorio is not in the mood to let his son go to Paris - and forces him to work and marry Caeytana - and with this new scenario, the friends decide to stay in Madrid and postpone their plans to visit Paris. So, while Gabino tries to break free from work and forced marriage, Lazaro spends days at home on a hard-on with Gabino's hot mom.
GREGORIO: Subdirector of Security
MINA: Gregorio's HOT wife
GABINO: Mina/Gregorio's son
AMPARO: Gregorio's mother
SANTOS: Owner of the Aldama Shoe Factory
BELEN: Santos'wife
CAEYTANA: Hot Santos/Belen's daughter
ALONSO: Santos/Belen's son
CAYETANA: Gabino's GF - with Lazaro
EP01: ? 44'20 | Kisses
MINA: Gregorio's WF - with Lazaro
EP02: ? 33'52 | Kisses
EP03: ? 22'10 | Kisses
EP03: ? 29'53 | Nude/Sex
EP03: ? 29'53 | Mina (Brief Boobs)
EP01: ? 13'43 | Mina with Gregorio on bed
EP03: ? 29'53 | Mina with Lazaro on forest (cheat)
All Hot|Flirt|Nude|Sex|Cheat
EP01: ☆☆☆ CHEAT GF ☆☆☆
Cayetana Aldama is practicing shooting with her brother Alonso because she wants to win the Youth Shooting Tournament, much to the chagrin of her brother Alonso. Ending training, Cayetana provokes her brother saying that she goes to the Falcón's mansion, because Gabino, the eldest son of the Falcon, is back in town. She dreams of marrying him. But her brother dies of jealousy of her. At Falcón's mansion, Gabino arrives and hugs his hot mother, Mina. Gabino was living in Mexico with his maternal aunts. Mina, your hot mom is Mexican. After 10 years, he is back and did not come alone. He is accompanied by his best friend, Lazaro. Mina asks the two of them to come in and pack their things in the room. Gregorio Fálcon, Mina's cuckold husband, is the subdirector of security. He talks with Don Federico, the secretary of security, to convince him to release inmates to work at the Aldama Shoe Factory. At Falcón's mansion, Mina prepares dinner and talks to her maid, Rosario. Rosario asks to Mina if she already has an answer for a favor that she requested. Mina says she is trying and asks Rosario to be patient. Gabino talks to his grandmother, Amparo. She missed him. Amparo gives his grandson a rifle as a gift. Gregorio arrives and greets his son. At dinner, the Falcóns receive the Aldamas. Amparo proposes a toast and his son Gregorio serves wine to everyone, but Lazaro, Gabino's friend, says he doesn't drink alcohol. Gregorio insists, but Mina asks him to stop. Rosario drops a fork and Mina takes it for her. Amparo doesn't like it. Gabino asks for Alonso, who can't go to dinner. Belen, Alonso's mother, says her son had an appointment, but she didn't want to ask. Going to the living room, Amparo scolds Mina for taking the fork from the floor - and Mina returns saying that Amparo should not have given Gabino a rifle after "everything that happened in that house". Gregorio tells Gabino that the city has changed a lot since he went to Mexico and asks Cayetana to take a walk with him to show the news. But Gabino reveals that he does not intend to stay in the city for long, he wants to go to Paris with his friend Lazaro. Gregorio doesn't like the idea at all - because he wants his son to marry Cayetana in order to "unify" with the Aldama family. Lazaro says he is a dancer and it will be a dream for him to visit Paris. Alonso went to play soccer with his friends. Back to home, he talks to his sister, Cayetana. He wants to know about Gabino. Gabino talks to Lazaro. Lazaro says that Gabino's grandmother did not like him very much, and Gabino says that she is a difficult person to please. Lazaro wants to know about Cristobal, Gabino's grandfather, who died in an "accident" 10 years ago. The next day, Amparo gives 3 grandson gifts. Gabino doesn't understand, but Gregorio says that Santos Aldama, Cayetana's father, and owner of the Aldama Shoe Factory, offered him a job. Gabino says he will not accept the job because he intends to travel to Paris with Lazaro. But the father says he needs to start work and grandma suggests that he go to Paris after marrying Cayetana.But Gabino says he barely knows Cayetana. Falcóns go to the shooting club where the Youth Shooting Tournament will be held. Gabino meets Alonso there. All mothers gather in the club's tea room while their children prepare for the championship. The subject: The wedding of Gabino and Cayetana. Belen hopes it will be as soon as possible, while Mina says the two would be right to decide what is best. While the Falcons are out of the mansion, Rosario is visited by Enrique, her son. He tells his mother that his father will be transferred from prison. Enrique is angry with his mother who still works and trusts Mina. He thinks Mina will never help them. Lazaro decides to stay in Madrid while his friend Gabino is unable to travel with him to Paris. Gabino teaches Lazaro to shoot and the boys from the club start to comment on the "dancer". Santos pays the fee for Gregorio. He says he plans to open another factory and counts on the help of his friend to find "free workers" for him. Cayetana invites Gabino, Lazaros and the other youngsters from the club to go for a walk. Cayetana challenges Lazaro to drink. Lazaro accepts. With everyone already drunk, Cayetana decides to get more drinks, but Alonso won't let her and fight with his sister and Lazaro.Rosario tells Mina that her husband is going to be transferred. Mine asks for time. Drunk, Gabino and Lazaro embrace to return home and Alonso sees the two. Amparo sees Rosario fiddling with Gregorio's drawers. Rosario is looking for Gregorio's stamp to fake a release letter for her husband. Gabino goes to the factory and Alonso does his "job interview". Alonso doesn't want Gabino to work there and they argue about the past. Mina goes to Gregorio's office to try to convince him to leave Gabino free from job and marriage - but Gregorio is determined. Mina then proposes that Gregorio let Gabino return to Mexico to say goodbye to his friends and she would go along to visit her family - but Gregorio makes it clear that no one else is going to leave the country. Alonso does not want Cayetana to go out with Gabino. Santos, their father, overhears the two arguing and intervenes - He asks Alonso to get used to the idea that Cayetana is going to marry Gabino.Amparo finds a letter in Rosario's room. Returning home, after having seen Cayetana and Lazaro kissing, Gabino is dying of jealousy and tells Cayetana to get out of the car. Gabino tries to kiss Lazaro who repels him. Gabino warns his parents that he will not marry Cayetana.
Gregorio is angry with Mina for not letting him serve the wine to Lazarus. Gregorio doesn't want to hear about his son walking with a "ragtag". He tells Mina to stay on all fours because he wants to fuck his wife, who refuses. So she opens her legs and penetrates her anyway.
Mina awakes and saw Lazaro dancing.
Gabino and Lazaro arrive home drunk. Lazaro sleeps on the bed and Mina takes off his dirt clothes.
Mina wants to know how Lazaro meets Gabino. Lazaro tells her that Gabino was friends with his ex-girlfriend.
After going to the cinema, Lazaro, Gabino and Cayetana are talking about the film. Gabino decides to go buy cigarettes - and Cayetana kisses Lazaro. Gabino sees both.
EP02: ☆☆☆ CHEAT WF ☆☆☆
Gabino goes to talk with the Aldamas. Gregorio asks his son to apologize. He left Cayetana alone in the middle of the street. But halfway through, Gabino runs away. Amparo asks Rosario what it's like to be a "widow". Amparo wants to know how Rosario's husband died and calls her to pray together. Rosario lies. Mina goes to talk to Belen and apologizes about Gabino.Belen in turn is not very happy with Gabino's behavior. Gabino is at the shooting club and Alonso arrives to talk. Alonso says he can go to work at the factory if he wants to. But Gabino is not willing to give up. Mina tells Rosario that she tried to get the stamp from her husband's table but couldn't. Lazaro goes to the amusement park with Cayetana.Amparo tells Mina that she discovered that Rosario's husband is alive. Rosario's husband is a "ROJO" - communist - and if he is alive, Rosario is a "Roja" too. Amparo will call the police, but Mina threatens to tell the truth about the "accident" with Cristobal - Amparo's dead husband. Gabino told Mina what actually happened and Mina reveals that had a letter too. And maybe Amparo’s husband hasn’t die in an "accident" 10 years ago. In the park, Cayetana hears from friends that Lazaro and Gabino are gay.Cayetana tells to her family. Alonso tries to minimize the story by saying that it is just gossip. Gregorio tells Santos that it will be difficult to get more "workers" for the factory - and Santos threatens to spread the story of Gabino being gay.Gregorio takes Gabino to the prison. He wants his son to see a torture session. Caeytana tests Lazaro to discover if he is gay. She tries to kisses him, but he denies. He wants to kiss a woman not a girl. Rosario says to Mina that will visit her husband. Mina tells Rosario not to go, as they can find out that she is married to a communist and arrest her too. But, Rosario is afraid of her husband being transferred and not being able to see him anymore. Alonso asks Gabino to leave Spain. They fight in the club and Lazaro separates. Lazaro finally talks to his friend about his sexuality. Gabino says she never told him because she was afraid of him leaving. They make up and hug. Caeytana and Alonso see everything and are sure they are both gay. Don Federico, the secretary of security talks with Gregorio about Gabino. Don Federico says that he respects Gregorio a lot and that Gregorio is an excellent deputy director, and for that reason alone he will allow him to "solve" the problem. Amparo talks to Gabino. They remember what happens 10 years ago. Lazaro goes out with Alonso's friends - and is beaten by them. Alonso arrives and asks Lazaro to dance. Alonso beats Lazaro too. Gabino is caught by the group and is beaten too. Caeytana lies and says to her mom that she saw Gabino and Lazaro kissing. Amparo wants to know about Rosario how she started working at the mansion. Rosario says he applied for the job. Amparo shows Rosario's marriage certificate and says she found out that Rosario is married to a communist.Amparo tears up the certificate and says that the secret is kept, but begins to blackmail Rosario. Gregorio tells Amparo that the entire city knows that Gabino is gay. Amparo convinces her son to arrest her grandson in the name of the family's honor. Mina buys a gun. Gabino and Lazaro are badly hurt. Mina arrives and asks Gabino to leave. It was a mistake to let him come back. Gabino and Lazaro flee.
At dawn, Lazaro is in the kitchen and Mina arrives. They talk. Mina is wet.
Back home, Mina sees Lazaro - and Lazaro invites her to dance.
Cayetana goes to talk to Lazaro and invites him to a walk.
Lazaro is dancing and Mina stops him. Lazaro wants to hear music with her.
Lazaro will see Mina at the pool. They kiss.
Trying to escape, Gabino and Lazaro are chased by the police on the highway. Gabino is arrested and Lazaro escapes. Amparo tells Mina what happens. Mina asks Amparo to convince Gregorio to release his son or she will tell the truth about Cristobal's death. She still has the letter. Gregorio visits Gabino in prison. He expects the child to receive proper treatment and to heal. Gregorio wants to know where Lazaro is. Gabino says that his friend went to France. Gregorio does not believe it and begins to torture his son.Mina tries to see her son in prison but is prevented. Santos tells Alonso that Gregorio has betrayed them. Alonso wants to make a new deal with Gregorio, but Santos says he has already closed the deal with Gregorio. Gregorio is no longer "partner" with them. Santos says he denounced Gabino and Gregorio was obliged to arrested him. Alonso argues with his father, to help his old friend, but Santos puts an end to the matter. At prison, Gabino meets his cellmate, Carlos, the boy he saw being tortured by his father the other day. Gregorio is congratulated by Don Federico. Alonso visits Gabino in prision. He wants to know if Gabino has said anything about him. Alonso says he warned him to leave the country. Alonso wants to know if Gabino and Lazaro are lovers, and Gabino says Lazaro is just a friend. Alonso gives Gabino a gun. Rosario gives Amparo the key to the locker of Mina's shooting club, where she keeps the letter that incriminates Amparo. Mina asks Rosario if she saw the key, but Rosario denies it. The phone rings, it's Pilar Dominguez, Lazaro's friend - from the shooting club. Lazaro is hiding there and asks Mina to go see him. Amparo goes to the club to get the letter, but when opening Mina's closet she only finds the fake Release Permit to Rosario's husband. Enrique, Rosario's son, arrives at mansion. His dad is dead. Pilar meets Mina and takes her to where Lazaro is hiding. meets Lazaro at club. Lazaro asks if Gregorio can't help get Gabino out of jail, but she says he won't do anything - and there's only one way. Amparo hands over the fake Release Permit to a Gregorio employee and asks him to copy it, but with Gregorio's stamp. Amparo opens the Shooting Tournament.
At club Mina meets Lazaro and kisses him.
Lazaro is fucking the hot Mina at forest. Mina is with her gorgeous legs open, and Lazaro is penetrating the MILF hard. Mina is moaning a lot with the young hard dick inside her.
Gregorio is changing in the bedroom and Rosario arrives with a new shirt for him. She leaves her shirt on the bed, next to the letter she took from Mina's closet. Gregorio learns the truth about his father's death. Gregorio goes after Rosario, but she left. Pietra tells Caeytana that he saw Lazaro in the forest. Caeytana goes to the forest and listen Mina moaning. She saw Mina with her legs open being fucked by Lazaro. Mina looks to Caeytana and starts to cum with Lazaro inside her. Caeytana calls everybody. They caught them and they take them both to the club. Gregorio is informed. Gabino is released from prison - after all, if Lazaro was fucking his mother, it was all a rumor. Lazaro isn't gay, and Gabino too. Caeytana goes to talk to Lazaro, who is arrested in club. She asks for forgiveness and helps him to escape. She asks him to run away with her. Lazaro agrees, but Caeytana was taking revenge on him and says he is a fool. Amparo and Mina have a definite conversation. Gregorio arrives at club. He confronts his mother about the truth of his father's death. Alonso sees Gabino in the car and goes to talk with him. Gregorio takes Mina and Lazaro out of the house. Gabino tries to stop his father, and Gregorio asks his son to kill them both. The is end is near.
All 3 eps from Season: https://bit.ly/37d2s0e
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