Last seen: Feb 23, 2025
@jozoRivages -br />French vtt subtitles
Trolosa ep 6 - Stream -/p> trolosa-ep06-swedish.srt trolosa-ep06-english-google-translate.srt
Rivages S01E04 -br /> Rivages-ep04-french-subtitles.srt Rivages-ep04-english-google-translate.srt
Trolosa ep 4 -br />Stream -br />Trolosa ep 5 -br />Stream -/p> trolosa-ep04-swedish.srt trolosa-ep04-english-google-translate.srt trolosa...
Wrong rapidgator link. Rapidgator file is french movie Darling 2007 -/p>
Trolosa ep 2 -br />Stream -br />Trolosa ep 3 -br />Stream -/p> trolosa-ep02-swedish.srt trolosa-ep02-english-google-translate.srt trolosa-ep0...
My rip of Trolosa Episode 1 -br />Trolosa.S01E01.David.SWEDiSH.2160p.HEVC.10bit.AAC-Marco35Video is 4K HEVC with Swedish audio Screenshot of video -br...
@marc-satin When Father Was Away on Business (1985) Original title: Otac na sluzbenom putu
@lukezeddi It's not the movie @sandysam asked about. He asked for Austrian movie Grenzgängerand you posted Polish movie The High Frontierwhich goes...
@daveamecDownloaded and checked again. Tested on my mobile phone, PC and TV.Your media player must have x265 codec. Try with mpc-hc or VLC or similar ...
"There was a discussion on letterboxd about Viditelny svet (2011)" I downloaded and reencoded this movie to x265. Original was about 4.6 Gb.Added in...
@mr-red Ok. In a few days.
@santos130 If you need only subtitles I use this line --all-subs --skip-download example from my post above: youtube-dl --all-subs --skip-downlo...
Downloaded french sub with youtube-dl fromand translate to english with/p>
La Garconne S01E03 720p with translated english subtitle (from french original subtitle)
Pieniä valheita (1994) mega link for movie that @Sklegend posted. #PRQR3C-_vnbRY2C4rO7PEgIJrwWLnx0-P-gO9HtXWiQ original finnish subs and english...