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Joined: Aug 1, 2021
Last seen: Aug 30, 2023
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RE: Mainstream movies about cheating wives & girlfriends, swinging, cuckolding, nonconsensual turned consensual etc..

Found this while going through some sex scenes. Don't think this movie has been posted yet. Title Crazy - IMDB:/p> Link:/p> - About: Kee...

3 years ago
RE: Mainstream movies about cheating wives & girlfriends, swinging, cuckolding, nonconsensual turned consensual etc..

Found a tv show that has cheating. Haven't watched the whole thing, the series didn't really interest me but maybe someone likes it. Title: Ameri...

3 years ago
RE: Mainstream movies about cheating wives & girlfriends, swinging, cuckolding, nonconsensual turned consensual etc..

@filminist Criticizing without watching the movies? I literally quoted your movies that you posted and watched them. I added what they're about and wh...

3 years ago
RE: Mainstream movies about cheating wives & girlfriends, swinging, cuckolding, nonconsensual turned consensual etc..

@filminist Why do you get so upset about it bro? He didn't say don't contribute. He said it has to be cheating FEMALES. Ridiculous movies still have c...

3 years ago
RE: Mainstream movies about cheating wives & girlfriends, swinging, cuckolding, nonconsensual turned consensual etc..

Found this movie and it was pretty good but crazy at the end. Don't think someone mentioned it before. IMDB:/p> Link:/p> About: Keep it short, i...

3 years ago
RE: Mainstream movies about cheating wives & girlfriends, swinging, cuckolding, nonconsensual turned consensual etc..

@filminist Don't forget bro, this thread is for cheating wifes and girlfriends. The husband and boyfriends theme is on another thread i believe. That ...

3 years ago
RE: Mainstream movies about cheating wives & girlfriends, swinging, cuckolding, nonconsensual turned consensual etc..

Link:/p> About: Juding from what i saw. He is more imagining that his girlfriend cheated on him with her best friend(lesbian cheating) and therefor ...

3 years ago
RE: Mainstream movies about cheating wives & girlfriends, swinging, cuckolding, nonconsensual turned consensual etc..

This might not be Prime version but it's free link for anyone else who hasn't seen this movie. Link:/p> About the movie: I kinda skipped forward ...

3 years ago
RE: Mainstream movies about cheating wives & girlfriends, swinging, cuckolding, nonconsensual turned consensual etc..

The only link i found to this one is here:/p> I found it on 123movies but all the links there are dead and not working. You have to sign up thoug...

3 years ago
RE: Mainstream movies about cheating wives & girlfriends, swinging, cuckolding, nonconsensual turned consensual etc..

Lmao,who even are you? You got 15 posts and you've done fuck all on this site. At least i've added stuff but simple minded fools like you wont go and ...

3 years ago
RE: Mainstream movies about cheating wives & girlfriends, swinging, cuckolding, nonconsensual turned consensual etc..

Dude wtf are you talking about? The US freedom of speach is a joke and don't even deny it. Second of all, many countries have freedom of speach that's...

3 years ago
RE: Mainstream movies about cheating wives & girlfriends, swinging, cuckolding, nonconsensual turned consensual etc..

No cheating scene sadly. I've watched the episodes and it's so trash. The wife just talks about what she does and barely that. The only thing we got t...

3 years ago
RE: Mainstream movies about cheating wives & girlfriends, swinging, cuckolding, nonconsensual turned consensual etc..

Sorry man but you're acting as if what you're doing is like solving a complex math test. All you do is find movies that have cheating theme and post t...

3 years ago
RE: Mainstream movies about cheating wives & girlfriends, swinging, cuckolding, nonconsensual turned consensual etc..

Had to quote you cause you wrote a long text and i can't be asked to scroll up and down. 1. I didn't need to look at his posts. If he's annoying do ...

3 years ago
RE: Mainstream movies about cheating wives & girlfriends, swinging, cuckolding, nonconsensual turned consensual etc..

Poch propably doesn't know how to articulate his words when it comes to giving his opinions. Ignore him...but that's not to say he doesn't have a poin...

3 years ago
RE: Mainstream movies about cheating wives & girlfriends, swinging, cuckolding, nonconsensual turned consensual etc..

The reason i gave him that criticism is cause i looked at the links he posts throughout the thread. He admits himself he hasn't seen some of them. I d...

3 years ago
RE: Mainstream movies about cheating wives & girlfriends, swinging, cuckolding, nonconsensual turned consensual etc..

Half of the stuff he posts is from IMDB, he doesn't know himself if it's cheating or not in most of those movies/tv shows. Anyone here can go to IMDB ...

3 years ago
RE: Mainstream movies about cheating wives & girlfriends, swinging, cuckolding, nonconsensual turned consensual etc..

Found another quickie cheating wife episode. IMDB:/p> Where to watch:/p> Cheating: Not watched the show fully so i don't know if there is more ...

3 years ago
RE: Mainstream movies about cheating wives & girlfriends, swinging, cuckolding, nonconsensual turned consensual etc..

IMDB:/p> Where to watch:/p> Found this today, it's a movie that i've been waiting for. If you all watched Sopranos the tv show they basicaly m...

3 years ago
RE: Mainstream movies about cheating wives & girlfriends, swinging, cuckolding, nonconsensual turned consensual etc..

Exactly bro...when the husband least expect it and it happens. That's the best for me. When the wife get caught and husband angry is what i'm mostly l...

3 years ago
RE: Mainstream movies about cheating wives & girlfriends, swinging, cuckolding, nonconsensual turned consensual etc..

That's from the tv show called Mr Mercedes. Nothing happens between them after that. Also it's not cheating bro. If you wanna look for other non cheat...

3 years ago
RE: Mainstream movies about cheating wives & girlfriends, swinging, cuckolding, nonconsensual turned consensual etc..

@chhotabheem I've watched all 3 seasons. Season 1 and 2 had the most cheating. 3 was shit and i didn't really see anyone cheat in that(I don't count t...

3 years ago
RE: Mainstream movies about cheating wives & girlfriends, swinging, cuckolding, nonconsensual turned consensual etc..

GoT has cheating but not the type of cheating that really fits here to be honest. Most of the cheating there is against people who don't give a fuck. ...

3 years ago
RE: Mainstream movies about cheating wives & girlfriends, swinging, cuckolding, nonconsensual turned consensual etc..

@stealthwifelover Like you said, it is way more fast paced then desperate housewifes for sure. Is it worth watching?: I mean it is and it isn't....

3 years ago
RE: Mainstream movies about cheating wives & girlfriends, swinging, cuckolding, nonconsensual turned consensual etc..

Damn i'm on season 2 right now, i'm watching the episodes fast. This show has so much cheating haha. Literally everyone cheats on everyone in this. Yo...

3 years ago
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