Just a reminder this series is running now.
I like it, wife cheats on husband then on boyfriend with husband.
I love the scene where the husband notices scratches on his wife's back and realizes she is enjoying cheating.
@tinhorse, thank you for your contributions as always, but please give updated links to known movies only when someone requests them and all the links are dead (I listed this rule before, but you seem to have missed it). If no one's requesting for a film that is already known to us, just let it be. This is so we can trim the length of our thread here which is very long already.
An exception I can think of is for relatively rare movies whose previous links were of poor quality, or the links before have no subs (for non-english movies) and the new link has it.
Hahahahahahaha spamhorse is exposed. This dude never stops spanming
I guess change is good every once in a while. I have noticed some members have not been happy with the way things are going right now. As much as I agree with @wilfhunter I would also like remind that @tinhorse helped as to remedy a problem that we had a while back. @tinhorse sorted things out very diplomatically and managed the forum well. I understand it's a very taxing task to manage a forum like this.
May be time has come to let some one else carry the burden. May be there is a volunteer among the members who voiced their opinions who would like to take the batten.
Just my humble opinion.
thanks again @tinhorse for managing the forum and @wilfhunter for creating the forum.
@jamijami I agree with this. It's true that there can be a little bit of clutter with old movies, then again Tinhorse has updated and revived so many movies accompanied with references and good streaming links. Now why would I listen to bitchy whiners who has contributed shit, except jerking off to what Tinhorse put up. I personally contributed nothing so I don't have a right to insult those who have. So I suggest to the cry babies to enjoy the show and shut the fuck up.
@jamijami I agree with this. It's true that there can be a little bit of clutter with old movies, then again Tinhorse has updated and revived so many movies accompanied with references and good streaming links. Now why would I listen to bitchy whiners who has contributed shit, except jerking off to what Tinhorse put up. I personally contributed nothing so I don't have a right to insult those who have. So I suggest to the cry babies to enjoy the show and shut the fuck up.
Half of the stuff he posts is from IMDB, he doesn't know himself if it's cheating or not in most of those movies/tv shows. Anyone here can go to IMDB and just link the whole list without knowing what's going on in the movie. Doesn't take you long to find the movie/tv show (unless it's a rare old movie) and watch it. To do your research if there is cheating or not in it. That's why it gets annoying when you see many posts by him and it's stuff that he doesn't even know have cheating. Also if it does have cheating...what kind...husband or wife?...any nudity?...any sex scenes??. These are all stuff I'm sure people wanna know before going to watch a movie or tv show that revolves around supposed "cheating". He doesn't provide that info, which is fine you're not forced to do anything here. But you should stop acting like a white knight when people have legit complaints. Wilf finaly said it himself, those reposts clog up the thread.
You blame the "bitchy whiners" when TinHorse is literally spamming links to stuff nobody has requested. I can understand if someone requested a movie where the link has expired. But look at the recent pages, it's just random links for random movies. People seem to forget, there is also a search bar here. You can go back all the way to the early pages of this site and find what you're looking for. That's how i did with the movie Turbine...which was a shit movie if i may add.
I'm obviously not trying to discourage Tinhorse...but more encouraging him to be better at this. If i link a movie that has cheating in it, i'll give a quick description of it and if it has sex scenes also if it's worth watching. Why do i do this? because this is what i like others to do. Some do it and i'm a fan of them, because they save me the time. The ones that don't provide anything other then a IMDB link i don't hate em, but it disrupts the thread.
@tinhorse re-finds and fixes and publishes broken links of movies listed on the site , man doing to renew , it writes an update for informational purposes because it renews broken links , it's not spamming , people who don't contribute anything to the list should not criticize it. ?
As I mentioned above, it renews the broken links of the movies listed on the site. she contributes to this site and works for you
@Wilf Hunter I explained the rules of this forum long ago, but many people reacted negatively to me. When I got negative reactions, I didn't talk about it again. ?
@tinhorse, thank you for your contributions as always, but please give updated links to known movies only when someone requests them and all the links are dead (I listed this rule before, but you seem to have missed it). If no one's requesting for a film that is already known to us, just let it be. This is so we can trim the length of our thread here which is very long already.
An exception I can think of is for relatively rare movies whose previous links were of poor quality, or the links before have no subs (for non-english movies) and the new link has it.
Thank you for your instruction and i will cut back on my contribution.
I didn't realize posts had to be requested this rule has been blatantly broken by many members.
I can assure everyone spam is not my intention and IMBD is a reference only for me.
i thought by updating the links of movies i was helping members and the data base of the forum. i had made this a project of mine.
Peace and love
I personally think that tinhorse's contribution has been great for the forum. I am sure there are many people like me who benefit from his new links but don't speak up to give him enough credit.
I've found many dead links where I tried to search myself online with no success and felt relieved when his links exist. I don't get it why some people are complaining or criticizing when themselves literally don't contribute anything to the forum.
Maybe we can find a happy medium where he can continue to post renewed links on a separate topic and people can look for them.
@tommrichh video quality isn't great and its not on mega, but you can stream/download in here
Spamhorse trying to explain he's not spamming is like a racist man explaining he's not racist because he has minority friends lol
Spamhorse trying to explain he's not spamming is like a racist man explaining he's not racist because he has minority friends lol
its good to remember that this is a forum operated and managed by volunteers. Therefore it is important to appreciate the contribution people make. We all make mistakes but that is not a reason to frown upon. If you would like a 100% clear professional service I'm sure we can find someone to help you for an appropriate fee.
It is good to voice your opinion. Seems like we have discussed the issue and its sorted. There is no need to drag it on.
@tinhorse, thank you for your contributions as always, but please give updated links to known movies only when someone requests them and all the links are dead (I listed this rule before, but you seem to have missed it). If no one's requesting for a film that is already known to us, just let it be. This is so we can trim the length of our thread here which is very long already.
An exception I can think of is for relatively rare movies whose previous links were of poor quality, or the links before have no subs (for non-english movies) and the new link has it.
Thank you for your instruction and i will cut back on my contribution.
I didn't realize posts had to be requested this rule has been blatantly broken by many members.
I can assure everyone spam is not my intention and IMBD is a reference only for me.
i thought by updating the links of movies i was helping members and the data base of the forum. i had made this a project of mine.
Peace and love
My personal opinion is that its good to have the IMDB link along with a streaming link. Having the IMDB would enable interested partied to obtain all the relevant information required. As IMDB is a well managed and regularly updated website, using the reference instead of a description would allow us to stay current with minimum effort.
hey ,
there is a short film on swapping , something like day before election swapping like description , 2 couple , one wife and other husband didnt want to participate in the discussion and went straight to have sex , and rest of the two have sex after discussion ,
this short film was shared by someone a year back i think ... can u tell me the name ????
I'm constantly learning and trying to find a common ground here that would be best for most.
@tinhorse I think we really need that rule so that we won't be repeating ourselves much. I mean, there are thousands of movies that are known to us already and if we keep posting links to those, and the majority of them nobody really wants anymore, then it could really fill up the thread fast. Now, in relation to that, I encourage people to be not shy in requesting for known movies that have dead links already, or links that are not accessible to them (but don't spam!) I think this will be more efficient because we will only be posting links for movies that have demand and that will cut down the number of possible posts.
@poch, I'm sorry buddy but so far, your contribution to the community is minuscule compared to tinhorse, even with his flaws. So why don't you just tell him nicely about your criticisms? Would it hurt you to do so? How about concentrate on contributing more useful stuff than breathing on his neck?
Oh also @tinhorse, is it true that some of the movies you post, you haven't actually seen and just relied on the IMDB cheating tags? If so, well that's one constructive criticism for you, buddy. But it's not like others are not doing it anyway. For example, someone posted Black Island (2021) here and said it's a super cheating movie. Sure it is, but there's only a cheating boyfriend in it as I found out.
I'm open to suggestions. Opening new threads are nice, but they usually don't get too many posts. But feel free to open one for a topic that you feel needs a separate thread, maintain it and see if it catches on.
As to the suggestion that movie posts should be accompanied by some description of the cheating scenes, I don't know.. should we set a rule on that, guys? Or should it still be up to the poster? Like, he can just post the bare minimum, an imdb link and a stream link, but as long as he's sure that there's definitely a cheating/swinging bitch on it, then it should be ok?
@wilfhunter I think that's Quantity vs Quality question. Surely imposing such rule will help with quality posts but then again it may discourage some to share if they have to write a lengthy post every time. I don't have a preference on the matter.
Can I make a small suggestion?
Could you set a rule that no Criticism is allowed. Otherwise it will end up chaos. Also those just lower the quality of this site.
For Eg Look what Poch is doing right now. Sorry but he constantly comments useless things here.
It not fair for others who contribute and get some stupid comments like that who doesnt even contribute anything at all.
I mean it doesnt matter what we do members will still complain. But this forum is DISCUSSION not a place for CRITICISM OR COMPLAINTS.
Just one of my thoughts.
I'm constantly learning and trying to find a common ground here that would be best for most.
@tinhorse I think we really need that rule so that we won't be repeating ourselves much. I mean, there are thousands of movies that are known to us already and if we keep posting links to those, and the majority of them nobody really wants anymore, then it could really fill up the thread fast. Now, in relation to that, I encourage people to be not shy in requesting for known movies that have dead links already, or links that are not accessible to them (but don't spam!) I think this will be more efficient because we will only be posting links for movies that have demand and that will cut down the number of possible posts.
@poch, I'm sorry buddy but so far, your contribution to the community is minuscule compared to tinhorse, even with his flaws. So why don't you just tell him nicely about your criticisms? Would it hurt you to do so? How about concentrate on contributing more useful stuff than breathing on his neck?
Oh also @tinhorse, is it true that some of the movies you post, you haven't actually seen and just relied on the IMDB cheating tags? If so, well that's one constructive criticism for you, buddy. But it's not like others are not doing it anyway. For example, someone posted Black Island (2021) here and said it's a super cheating movie. Sure it is, but there's only a cheating boyfriend in it as I found out.
I'm open to suggestions. Opening new threads are nice, but they usually don't get too many posts. But feel free to open one for a topic that you feel needs a separate thread, maintain it and see if it catches on.
As to the suggestion that movie posts should be accompanied by some description of the cheating scenes, I don't know.. should we set a rule on that, guys? Or should it still be up to the poster? Like, he can just post the bare minimum, an imdb link and a stream link, but as long as he's sure that there's definitely a cheating/swinging bitch on it, then it should be ok?
Maybe there should be a requirement that when someone posts links to a movie they should have watched it themselves and decribe what cheating is in it. Tinhorse posts a bunch of links but never explains what is in them. I've watched several of his recommendations only to find nothing. While I appreciate that he takes the effort to find these movies, I don't get why he would post 5 movies in a row without watching any of them or knowing what specific cheating is in them.
If this rule were implemented it wouldn't have to be a long description either. Something as simple as "X person cheats with Y person" would cut down on movies being posted that no one has watched.
Thank you for your instruction and advice.
Sure i have not watched all movies fully, that i have posted, however i have researched all movies i post and i am surprised i am being accused of off topic spam, makes me wonder if my accusers have watched the movies i post fully.
Some support me some dont however i must conform to the rules as set down i understand that.
Peace and love
Il était une seconde fois ( So this series has some nudity and seems interesting. Its imdb tags are full of "cheating" and "infidelity" tags. Can anyone point me to those cheating scenes, because I couldn't find any