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[Sticky] Mainstream movies about cheating wives & girlfriends, swinging, cuckolding, nonconsensual turned consensual etc..

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Posted by: @wilfhunter

Oh also @tinhorse, is it true that some of the movies you post, you haven't actually seen and just relied on the IMDB cheating tags? If so, well that's one constructive criticism for you, buddy. But it's not like others are not doing it anyway. For example, someone posted Black Island (2021) here and said it's a super cheating movie. Sure it is, but there's only a cheating boyfriend in it as I found out.

I'm open to suggestions. Opening new threads are nice, but they usually don't get too many posts. But feel free to open one for a topic that you feel needs a separate thread, maintain it and see if it catches on.

As to the suggestion that movie posts should be accompanied by some description of the cheating scenes, I don't know.. should we set a rule on that, guys? Or should it still be up to the poster? Like, he can just post the bare minimum, an imdb link and a stream link, but as long as he's sure that there's definitely a cheating/swinging bitch on it, then it should be ok?

The reason i gave him that criticism is cause i looked at the links he posts throughout the thread. He admits himself he hasn't seen some of them. I don't mind if someone doesn't have the time to watch the movies. But for someone like myself, when i come into this thread i'm looking for cheating movies/tv shows only. Is why we are all here in the first place. I've seen others do it too. But tinhorse is the only one that spams the links from IMDB. The others only do it once or twice.

I personally do think a thread for dead links should be created. Cleans up the thread here and makes way for new stuff and not old. If anyone wants a new link to a movie or tv show they can go there. In that thread, tinhorse can do his thing and help the site out with links etc. 

As for the suggestion, again just speaking for myself right now. But i wouldn't mind a rule but it's not necessary either. What should be a rule though is the poster at least knowing that what he posted is genuinely cheating/swinging. The description stuff is obviously a bonus for myself and others. But as long as it's cheating and they know it is, I'm fine with it. Again i can only speak for myself as i always do my research before posting a link here to a movie etc. 

@tinhorse I'm not hating on you bro if you think that, you do a good job here. I just feel each thread has a purpose on its own. If Wilf were to make a new thread for dead links it would clean the thread here and make it easier to find new stuff. 


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Posted by: @santos130

Can I make a small suggestion?

Could you set a rule that no Criticism is allowed. Otherwise it will end up chaos. Also those just lower the quality of this site.

For Eg Look what Poch is doing right now. Sorry but he constantly comments useless things here. 

Poch propably doesn't know how to articulate his words when it comes to giving his opinions. Ignore him...but that's not to say he doesn't have a point about the spam stuff. 

As to your no criticism exactly do you think a rule like that would benefit the site? How would that help Wilf improve the site even more. Imagine people could just post whatever they want here even non cheating stuff in this thead as well. If we had no critiscm rule, you wouldn't be allowed to complain. Crazy idea if i do say so but i think you know that too. 

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1st Poch doesnt have NO point at all. Look at his 15 posts? That is a spam. 

2nd Tinhorse. Yes I agree that he is posting too many repeated movies. But that doesnt mean his spamming. In fact majority of the movies that he was posting from IMBD involving cheating. Go and look at the keywords and you will see cheating. The problem is if it's a foreign language then we dont know who is cheating on who. 

3rd Criticism. As you ask me, what benefits do we have from having it then? Look at our 258 pages ? Once ppl like Poch starts complaining about shit it becomes too chaotic.

This forum is titled for discussion NOT CRITICISM there different. Some members here dont even know how to criticize in a nice way, is the reason why I want to have it as rule. 

People like XXXMEN who used to constantly posted things but now he seems doesnt. It's just way this forum is going. There is always 1 or 2 members that criticize for nothing. Those guys have absolutely NO right. 

Also why would you? And what use is there when they criticize?  What benefits is there? Nothing! The only thing there is, is CHAOS. 

Long back before ppl started to post something like Hard tv series because it had great sex but no cheating. I think Wilfhunter remembered this, but I told ppl not to post that in a nicest way I could. I didnt criticize anyone for that. If I had to do it then why shouldn't other members do it that way instead of just targeting and calling names and shit...THIS IS WRONG MATE. As stated in Wilfhunter post himself we can tell someone nicely without criticism. 

I dont how long you have been here but WILFHUNTER I'm sure that he has deleted those posts that was criticizing and became Chaotic.

I just peace bro....if you cant do it nicely then criticizing shouldn't be allowed. Because criticism isn't meant be nice anyway. 








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Posted by: @redmiex

hey ,
there is a short film on swapping , something like day before election swapping like description , 2 couple , one wife and other husband didnt want to participate in the discussion and went straight to have sex , and rest of the two have sex after discussion ,
this short film was shared by someone a year back i think ... can u tell me the name ????

any one ? 

WILF , Toprak or someone ?

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Ahh and I forgot to say,

ppl who contribute here aren't professionals but volunteers....who happens to post any movie they come across which has cheating,  so we all should appreciate it. 

Ppl like POCH who contribute fuck all aren't always satisfying....starts complaining, demanding...well

Looking at his of 15 or 16 posts....whatever...

And the way he says....

Sorry but he has no thoughts, so what's there to articulate?  His calling names and shit? Is that right way of criticizing?  Nope..!

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Link please 

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Posted by: @santos130


1st Poch doesnt have NO point at all. Look at his 15 posts? That is a spam. 

2nd Tinhorse. Yes I agree that he is posting too many repeated movies. But that doesnt mean his spamming. In fact majority of the movies that he was posting from IMBD involving cheating. Go and look at the keywords and you will see cheating. The problem is if it's a foreign language then we dont know who is cheating on who. 

3rd Criticism. As you ask me, what benefits do we have from having it then? Look at our 258 pages ? Once ppl like Poch starts complaining about shit it becomes too chaotic.

This forum is titled for discussion NOT CRITICISM there different. Some members here dont even know how to criticize in a nice way, is the reason why I want to have it as rule. 

People like XXXMEN who used to constantly posted things but now he seems doesnt. It's just way this forum is going. There is always 1 or 2 members that criticize for nothing. Those guys have absolutely NO right. 

Also why would you? And what use is there when they criticize?  What benefits is there? Nothing! The only thing there is, is CHAOS. 

Long back before ppl started to post something like Hard tv series because it had great sex but no cheating. I think Wilfhunter remembered this, but I told ppl not to post that in a nicest way I could. I didnt criticize anyone for that. If I had to do it then why shouldn't other members do it that way instead of just targeting and calling names and shit...THIS IS WRONG MATE. As stated in Wilfhunter post himself we can tell someone nicely without criticism. 

I dont how long you have been here but WILFHUNTER I'm sure that he has deleted those posts that was criticizing and became Chaotic.

I just peace bro....if you cant do it nicely then criticizing shouldn't be allowed. Because criticism isn't meant be nice anyway. 








Had to quote you cause you wrote a long text and i can't be asked to scroll up and down.

1. I didn't need to look at his posts. If he's annoying do what i said...ignore him. But he did make a point that i agree with. Tinhorse was spamming links nobody asked for. Also movies that are from imdb with keyword cheating which if you actually go and watch some of those movies. You'll see that it's either cheating husband or maybe characters in that movie are talking about cheating but never doing it. Don't trust IMDB tags so easily my friend. You must watch the movie to know if it's cheating or not. 

2. Like i said in number 1. IMDB tags are not to be trusted. I've seen movies that have cheating in them yet IMDB doesn't tag it cheating. Same otherway around. It has the tag cheating but you watch the movie and no cheating happens. They just talk about it. You really want a movie where they just talk about someone maybe cheating but never see it? This is why i Personally would like people to do research and explain a bit about the movie if it does have cheating. So we know if it's worth the time to watch it. Surely you understand this!

3. There is rightful critiscm and there is unnecesary critiscm. But critiscm stays the same. I know it's annoying when someone who never links anything complains about people providing movies here. But think about it like this. Why do people that are fan of fighting sports complain when fighters don't knock each other out? They don't have the right but still they do. That's life nothing to be done. 

Discussion and critiscm go hand in hand. If i decide to post links to movies that have no cheating but only sex. You have a right to complain to me and give me critiscm because i'm not doing what the thread is for. If Poch complains about that then he is right. If he complains about the sex scene was shit or quality was bad then he should be quiet and not say anything. Because that's annoying. 

Critiscm when it makes sense improves you as a person and a manager of a site for example. Imagine if everyone criticized Wilf for not making more threads and he never listened to us. This thread would be fucked up and unreadable. The fact he is willing to listen shows what a smart guy he is. If he didn't listen you would also complain because you would for sure say "oh my god look at so much irelevant stuff in this thread" But you don't because Wilf listened. 

Nobody is saying you should be rude to a guy for not doing what this thread is asking for. Constructive critiscm my friend, that is how you tell someone nicely to not do that. 


I've been a follower for 2 years now i think. I only recently made an account cause i wanted to get more involved. But even when i didn't have an account i could see people i relevant stuff. But over the years it got better. 


Final point, yes critiscm is supposed to be both nice and bad. It all depends on how you say it. If i said to you Santos cmone bro you can do better then this. That would be nice critiscm. If i said Santos you're so hit man wtf why you can't do better. See the different between constructive critiscize and and a bad one. 

Sorry for the long answer, i won't quote again if i can help it. Just hard when someone types a paragraph and to scroll up and down to read it all.

tinhorse, redmiex, tinhorse and 1 people reacted
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Hi Can I get a suggestion for a movie with a scene like in Unfaithful or in Funland (series)... Guilt ridden wife but enjoying doggy trying hard to hide pleasure...

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Sounds like the common theme is that we have two agreed up problems. This is my suggestion to sort it out.

Solution 1 :

Some of us, appreciate updated links while some think updates are spam. @Wilfhunter can we enable the admin to edit posts ? that we updates can be posted under the original, may be add a note saying update or may be we can simply replace the broken link with the update. This way it will not appear as a new post.


Solution 2:

I think it is practically impossible for @tinhorese to watch all the movies before posting them. Therefore, no need to be mad at mistakes, just simply let the community know about the content and how ever posted the link or @tinhorse can remove the post. This way we can build the blog as a community. 

tinhorse and tinhorse reacted
Toprak MAN
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Posted by: @redmiex
Posted by: @redmiex

hey ,
there is a short film on swapping , something like day before election swapping like description , 2 couple , one wife and other husband didnt want to participate in the discussion and went straight to have sex , and rest of the two have sex after discussion ,
this short film was shared by someone a year back i think ... can u tell me the name ????

any one ? 

WILF , Toprak or someone ?

ohh i posted this movie but i forgot the name ? 

Toprak MAN
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Posted by: @wilfhunter

I'm constantly learning and trying to find a common ground here that would be best for most.

@tinhorse I think we really need that rule so that we won't be repeating ourselves much. I mean, there are thousands of movies that are known to us already and if we keep posting links to those, and the majority of them nobody really wants anymore, then it could really fill up the thread fast. Now, in relation to that, I encourage people to be not shy in requesting for known movies that have dead links already, or links that are not accessible to them (but don't spam!) I think this will be more efficient because we will only be posting links for movies that have demand and that will cut down the number of possible posts.

@poch, I'm sorry buddy but so far, your contribution to the community is minuscule compared to tinhorse, even with his flaws. So why don't you just tell him nicely about your criticisms? Would it hurt you to do so? How about concentrate on contributing more useful stuff than breathing on his neck?

Oh also @tinhorse, is it true that some of the movies you post, you haven't actually seen and just relied on the IMDB cheating tags? If so, well that's one constructive criticism for you, buddy. But it's not like others are not doing it anyway. For example, someone posted Black Island (2021) here and said it's a super cheating movie. Sure it is, but there's only a cheating boyfriend in it as I found out.

I'm open to suggestions. Opening new threads are nice, but they usually don't get too many posts. But feel free to open one for a topic that you feel needs a separate thread, maintain it and see if it catches on.

As to the suggestion that movie posts should be accompanied by some description of the cheating scenes, I don't know.. should we set a rule on that, guys? Or should it still be up to the poster? Like, he can just post the bare minimum, an imdb link and a stream link, but as long as he's sure that there's definitely a cheating/swinging bitch on it, then it should be ok?

bro , Black Island (2021) I uploaded this movie but there is something you missed , The woman who has sex with the male student also knows the male student's girlfriend and is friends with him ? i.e. having sex with your girlfriend's friend ? 

i find a lot of cheating porn movies, is it free to post them?

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Posted by: @toprak-man


bro , Black Island (2021) I uploaded this movie but there is something you missed , The woman who has sex with the male student also knows the male student's girlfriend and is friends with him ? i.e. having sex with your girlfriend's friend ? 

i find a lot of cheating porn movies, is it free to post them?


@toprak-man: Why are you misleading others. Black island 2021 does not have any cheating wife or girlfriend scene and does not belong on this thread.

In fact i am quite sure you do not even understand most of these English movies due to language barrier. That psycho woman teacher is the student's Aunt and deceptively had incest sex with him and later tortured his father also.

Also the teacher was not friend's with the student's Girlfriend, she even killed her in the movie.  Please watch with subtitles in your language instead of being so wrong with movie descriptions.

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1st.  this is a free site where pack of volunteers post cheating movies. Off course ppl will make mistakes. Also have you actually realised that some sites dont even work on some other countries? This is where Tinhorse sort of solved it by reposting them with different sites for more availability. 

Also this category isnt just about having sex scenes or not. Its whether it contains the theme cheating or not, is what we should be discussing about. Yes you are right about Tinhorse should state where it has the scene or not, but majority of what he does is reposts of what has already been posted before by others so its only minimal that he made a small mistake where he might of posted something that is no where cheating.

Look at Goobster list in letterboxd Adultery. Some have good sex, other dont have good sex, and some has no sex at all. This is individual taste. 

Now there is a difference between giving advive and criticising. Also you dont criticise to WilfHunter, you advice.

2nd. Your example with sporting events with Fighters. Well I believe profession Fighters get paid even if they lose, so they dont really care about criticism, and fans who criticise are normally who spends the money on tickets or bets, and they just losing money on that bet. 

Unfortunately why should we ( free users and posters) have to directly hear a criticism instead of an advice? Im sure those ppl didnt mean to post that is unrelevant.


3rd. Im sorry to say this but ppl here seem to be a little lazy and selfish. I find this particularily annoying. Posters DO spend time researching it, although you might think they dont.

Those members who wait, they seem to spend time here looking but NOT spending time researching themselves. Although im not saying i disagree with you totally, members here all have different backgrounds and languages, what seems to be easy to you might be difficult for them. Im not talking about 1 person here, im talking as a whole. Some members write descriptions and others dont. Its just the way it is. 

For eg, If i find a new title of a movie without description but a link of IMDB and a streaming site, then what i be doing is type in the title and research for the description and see if there is any scenes. Now your going to say "why we have to waste time researching for it? " Which is true, you shouldnt be wasting time, but at the same time why should the posters wasting his or her time trying to find contents for them and post it? Wilfhunters built the site so he has to be a little more specific, but volunteers like us are pretty much expectional. 

You see, we have commonly 2 different members here, Posters and Waiters(People who waits for the post to come).

And usually Posters do all the work and Waiters dont.

My advice was that Posters dont really complain they seem to be more nicer and giving advice like yourself THEBOSS3213, but those who waiters (not all) seem to like to criticise others directly

Remember there is a differences between Criticism and Advice. Admin should look at advice NOT criticism.


You asked me before, what will, having no Criticism will benefit the site? Well my point is having Criticism doesnt have beneficial either, at least for this site.

Giving advice benefits the site NOT Criticism. 

there is certainly a difference. What you told me is an advice.

See Comments Wilfhunter on POCH....that is not criticising, that is giving an advice to simply shut up and be nice and contribute. See the differences?

Maybe i have a different point of view about Criticism but what i find what i find was never there was a good criticism. Thats all




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Posted by: @reddy
Posted by: @toprak-man


bro , Black Island (2021) I uploaded this movie but there is something you missed , The woman who has sex with the male student also knows the male student's girlfriend and is friends with him ? i.e. having sex with your girlfriend's friend ? 

i find a lot of cheating porn movies, is it free to post them?


@toprak-man: Why are you misleading others. Black island 2021 does not have any cheating wife or girlfriend scene and does not belong on this thread.

In fact i am quite sure you do not even understand most of these English movies due to language barrier. That psycho woman teacher is the student's Aunt and deceptively had incest sex with him and later tortured his father also.

Also the teacher was not friend's with the student's Girlfriend, she even killed her in the movie.  Please watch with subtitles in your language instead of being so wrong with movie descriptions.

Yes it's correct

Toprak MAN
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La venganza de las juanas 2021 tv series season one episode 16 

note : there is incest 😉 sex with stepsister ( the sex scene is pretty hot, minutes 37 : 30 ?



davidboos80, jalodu, davidboos80 and 1 people reacted
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I just saw secrets of a marriage and it seemed incredible, and I would not have done it if it had not been recommended here. And that is why it seems to me something nonsensical that they dictate why someone put links in the films of the page, I take advantage of this since as new in this great page or forum I try to make the most of it

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Posted by: @toprak-man
Posted by: @redmiex
Posted by: @redmiex

hey ,
there is a short film on swapping , something like day before election swapping like description , 2 couple , one wife and other husband didnt want to participate in the discussion and went straight to have sex , and rest of the two have sex after discussion ,
this short film was shared by someone a year back i think ... can u tell me the name ????

any one ? 

WILF , Toprak or someone ?

ohh i posted this movie but i forgot the name ?

Toprak MAN, redmiex, Toprak MAN and 1 people reacted
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@santos bro relax why do you love tinhorse so much? Shes not alma lol just kiddin. Just to be clear bro im not demanding anything here and besides i only complained about spamhorse posts. His post here is like giving expired food to  homeless people lol his giving something but cannot be consumed lol. I dont hate anyone here man i appreciate and thankful to all brothers here who gives effort in giving us quality movies except for spamhorse lol. Peace!

santos130, redmiex, santos130 and 1 people reacted
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@jalodu Is it 'secrets of a marriage' or ' scenes from a marriage'?

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@toprak-man. Any luck with finding Svingeri 2016 ie the latvian movie one. Thanks.

Toprak MAN
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Posted by: @aneketh

@toprak-man. Any luck with finding Svingeri 2016 ie the latvian movie one. Than

bro , sorry i've been getting a lot of criticism lately, I work day and night to find new movies and request movies but it's not worth it for these people , i stopped looking for movies ? If they don't have any respect for our work, then let those who criticize the movies find it. i will watch them from now on

jamijami, davidboos80, jamijami and 1 people reacted
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i just follow this forum I don't comment much, As far as I can see, those who do not contribute to the list criticize those who work on the list. these are new members no words should be taken from them,If they know a lot, they can find a movie themselves. @tinhorse @toprak MAN @santos123 @xxxmen @goobster  these members I counted are indispensable in this list. without them this list is nothing,these new members are trying to spoil the roster. As I said, if they know a lot, they should find a movie themselves.

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@davidboos80 in America we have freedom of speech. We dont live in shit countries where you can’t criticize or say anything. Im sorry for you

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Scenes from a marriage 2021

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Sorry that you have been targetted to my comments, its just the way you talk. 

There is nice way of telling members to stop, if they dont stop then you report to WILFHUNTER if your not happy. 

Im sure WIFHUNTER will handle this in a manner of respect. 

Also let me also clear this : I dont support Tinhorse fully, but some things he has done was great but some not so great. Obviously he has been spreading too many pages here which is why we gets accused. 

All im asking to is we should respect one another and appreciate it. 

If you are not happy, then speak with WILFHUNTER. thats the solution

Remember we are all volunteers here, 


neatsurprise, tinhorse, neatsurprise and 1 people reacted
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