Anyone need subtitles for OSCURO DESESO (2020) series, let me know...
Sub for OSCURO DESESO (2020) with 30 language... 🙂 enjoy...
@m0vi3freak i have the series size of 12GB... :/ u can download it from xxxmen drive, he shared the link above... 🙂 he is a legend...
@m0vi3freak no is there... 🙂
I agree bro, it has nice plot line and character development, although the cheating scene happened in ep1, however it continues throughtout the series....i loved it..!!....?
@_hb_ Yah Found it
it has everything... will see if i need subs... how do i add them
can u put that 12 gb version as google drive and can u post here? i need the hd version can u?
Fatal Affair (2020)
Ellie tries to mend her marriage with her husband Marcus after a brief encounter with an old friend, David, only to find that David is more dangerous and unstable than she'd realized.
As a little boy, Karthik is a brilliant student but already shows signs of criminal behavior, forging his friend's parent's signature on a mark sheet. Sent home from school early for this misdeed, Karthik is shocked to discover his mother (Charmila) in bed with his uncle. His mother begs him not to tell his father, but he does so, and his father commits suicide. Karthik's mother and uncle continue their relationship; Karthik then kills his mother and uncle by setting the house on fire.
first 10 minutes
This is a scene that i have created in video edit, the sex scene between Alma and Dario where we could not visualise in one shot, i didnt like the sequences in between so i have created myself this file. Its not perfect but i hope you guys enjoyed, i tried to put things together as best as i can.
Note : its the first lust between Alma and Dario in Ep1 and new scenes in Ep2(flashbacks)
Oh sorry no there are no talks
? EP06: ? 38'32 | NUDE/SEX
➥ GF is fucked outdoor
? EP08: ? 35'00 | SEX
➥ GF is fucked hard from behind
? EP05: ? 02'30 | SEX
➥ GF is fucked hard from behind
Welcome to New London.
We have three rules.
No Privacy.
No Family.
No Monogamy.
In the future, there are no more relationships. It is forbidden to have boyfriends, girlfriends, husbands and wives. Mothers, Fathers. Any emotional relationship is prohibited. No more jealousy, hate, angry, everyone is happy. This "Brave New World", called "New London" is controlled by INDRA, the "God", a special of futuristic technology that monitors and controls everyone. But there is still a part of the world "SAVAGE" on earth - the "Savage Land" - where people still live "normally". The Savage Land is like an "Amusement Park" - A place that New London residents go to de-stress. Like a "Human Safari", they can see "how is to live in family" - or how is a marriage in a show.
In New London, every people is classified - From A+ to E - "Alphas Plus" to "Epsilon" - the "Alpha Plus" are the "dominants" and the "Epsilon" the lower level, the servants without no will. There, lives Hot Lenina, a "Beta Plus" and a Scientist who works as a "Fertilizer" - creating "in vitro babys". No family is allowed - no relationship. All humans are born as in vitro childs with no parents. She is very sexy with her hot legs and her boss, Bernard, an "Alpha Plus", discovered that she was having an "exclusive relationship" with Henry - another "Alpha Plus". This is strictly prohibited there. Lenina needs to return to fulfill her social duties and be fucked by others.
In New London, people make up for their feelings with "SOMAS" satisfaction pills. Each pills has a color, where green is the lightest and red, the most "hard" - Full Pleasure. When you feel sad, or nervous, you control your level of pleasure by taking a pill. The happiness balance is controlled by "The DIRECTOR". And to fill the feeling of pleasure, at night they participate in large orgy parties.
One day The Director realizes that Bernard is very tired. He no longer fucks people in the orgy parties like he used to. He gives Bernard a vacation and sends him to spend a few days in the "Savage Land". Bernard decides to invite Lenina to go with him. At Savage Land, they meet John, "the savage". This meeting changed the whole "Brave new world".
Bernard: New London's Director (Soma's Man)
Lenina: Hot New London's Scientist
John: Car wash / Savage Land's producer
Linda: John's mother
Henry: Lenina's Exclusive
Kvle: Savage Land's actor
Madysun: Savage Land's actrees / Kvle's GF
Sheila: Rebels' leader
Julian: New London's Doctor
Helm Watson: New London's Celebrity
"nobody" cheats in this series - monogamy is forbiden
monogamous are the real cheaters
LENINA: Henry's Exclusive
EP01: ? 22'15 | "Swing" (not clear show)
EP01: ? 45'25 | Nude/Sex with Bernard
EP06: ? 38'32 | Nude/Sex with John
*more like an "open relationship"
LENINA: John's Exclusive
EP06: ? 18'27 | Sex with another Alpha (Unknow)
EP06: ? 30'44 | Sex with another Alpha (Flasback)
*more like a "real couple"
EP01: ? 10'08 | Several (Savage Lands comercial)
EP01: ? 10'31 | Several (pool)
EP01: ? 15'04 | Several (sex lake)
EP01: ? 17'51 | Frannie
EP01: ? 22'15 | Everybody in party
EP01: ? 45'25 | Lenina
EP02: ? 11'20 | Several (pool)
EP02: ? 15'09 | Several (pool)
EP02: ? 17'58 | Several (pool)
EP04: ? 04'20 | Lenina (side boob)
EP04: ? 32'05 | Orgy Room
EP04: ? 35'03 | Orgy Room
EP05: ? 34'05 | Helm with John
EP05: ? 34'32 | Orgy party
EP05: ? 36'48 | Helm with John (Sequence)
EP05: ? 45'25 | Orgy party ("Firefall")
EP06: ? 05'50 | Many Girls
EP06: ? 38'32 | Lenina
EP06: ? 44'37 | Girls in Dinner
EP07: ? 18'03 | Orgy party ("Mud")
EP07: ? 18'50 | Lenina (Ass)
EP08: ? 16'25 | Lenina (John's memory)
EP01: ? 03'09 | Lenina with Henry (hologram)
EP01: ? 15'04 | Several (sex lake)
EP01: ? 22'15 | Everybody in party
EP01: ? 45'25 | Lenina with Bernard (hologram)
EP02: ? 15'09 | Several (pool)
EP02: ? 17'58 | Several (pool)
EP04: ? 04'20 | Frannie tries to touch Lenina's pussy
EP04: ? 32'05 | Orgy Room with several people
EP04: ? 36'02 | Lenina with Henry (not shown)
EP05: ? 02'30 | Lenina with Henry
EP05: ? 34'05 | Helm with John
EP05: ? 34'32 | Orgy party
EP05: ? 36'48 | Helm with John (Sequence)
EP05: ? 45'25 | Orgy party ("Firefall")
EP06: ? 05'50 | John with many Girls
EP06: ? 38'32 | Lenina with John
EP07: ? 18'03 | Orgy party ("Mud")
EP07: ? 18'27 | Lenina with Alpha
EP07: ? 30'44 | Lenina with Alpha (flashback)
EP08: ? 16'25 | Lenina with John (memory)
EP08: ? 27'55 | Orgy party
EP08: ? 35'00 | Lenina with John
OTHER CHEATS (not shown/mentioned only)
✕ Madysum cheats her boyfriend Kvle with John
All Hot|Flirt|Nude|Sex|Cheat
In a future world, at New London, Lenina Crowne is a sexy "Beta Plus" cientist . She works for Bernard Marx. Lenina is having an "exclusive relationship" with Henry Foster, an Alpha Plus ("male of males"). Bernard shows a lot of holograms where Lenina is being fucked by her "exclusive" (in New London, we don't have boyfriends, girlfriends, husbands and wifes - it's forbidden). Relationships are full of jealousy, possessiveness and malice. Lenina is warned by her boss that this will not happen again. They take "satisfaction pills" - called "Soma", that satisfy them throughout the day. Lenina gets a "orange" pill from Bernard. Frannie, Lenina's best friend, is also suspecting that her friend is having an "exclusive". In this perfect world, Bernard is called upon to solve a problem. A worker is dead. He is a "Epsilon" the lower level in the society. They have no will of their own. In the evening, Lenina and Frannie go to a party. There they meet Henry, Lenina "exclusive", and his friend Damon. They exchange partners - Lenina goes with Damon and Henry with Frannie. Lenina sees Bernard at the party. In the other location is Savage Lands - a "Wild Amusement Park" - where attractions are "misconduct" like "weddings" with cuckolds discovering that they are betrayed. In Savage Lands, the world "still the same". John lives there. He is a car washing. John wants to fuck Madysun, "The Bride" from the "Savage Land's Show". But Madysun is being fucked by her boyfriend Kvle - "The Lover" from the "Savage Land's Show". John helps with the show too, as a producer. Kvle complains to John that the fake gun is failing. John lives with his mother - he is very jealous of her, because she walks around the house sexy. One night, John is kidnapped by a rebel gang. He is driven to make a decision, live or remain a car washer for life?. At home, Bernard is charged by his boss about his attitudes. He hasn't fucked much lately. Bernard is an "Alpha Plus"? "The Director", his boss, thinks he's been under a lot of stress lately, so he hasn't fucked up much. He offers Bernard vacation at Savage Land. Lenina goes to Bernard's house. She says she did what he told her to do, she fucked everyone at the party, but she saw him - alone. Bernard confesses to Lenina that he is tired. He tries to fuck but he can't. He doesn't know what it could be. He thinks that nothing is real. Something is wrong. Lenina says she can help Bernard. Lenina shows a hologram of the two having sex. Lenina says that it was not Henry who went after her to be fucked. Henry is an "Alpha Plus" like Bernard. "Alpha Plus" fucks everyone. She is a "Beta Plus", but was the one who asked to be fucked by him.
Lenina is fucked by her "exclusive" from behind on a hologram. In hologram 2, she is with her legs open being fucked on the executive bathroom. Then several holograms of her being fuckend and sucking the dick of her "exclusive" is showed by her boss, Bernard Marx.
Some nude women in a comercial
Some nude women in a pool
Some nude women are having sex in a lake
Going to a party, Frannie, appears wearing a sexy outfit, showing her breasts.
Everyone at the party starts getting naked and fucking everyone.
Lenina goest to Bernard house. She shows a "hologram" of her being fucked by Bernard.
Mustafa Mond, the "Big Boss" (the creator) of New London, looks through Indra, what happens with the dead "Epsilon". INDRA is like a "Superior Hi-Tech God" who controls New London, with a "future camera view system" where everybody can monitor everybody (like a "google glass"). Lenina goes to travel to Savage Land with Bernard. It will be Lenina's first time at Savage Land. In Savage Lands, John wants to escape with his mother. He knows that the rebel gang will come back and kill them if he doesn't accept being part of them. But his mother does not want to move because she is waiting for her husband to return. At the hotel, Bernard and Lenina know the "attractions" of the park. In the bedroom, Lenina tells Bernard how women were fucked into monogamy, at "Savage Era". They married virgins and were only fucked afterwards. Lenina is already very wet and horny and wants to be fucked by Bernard. But they decide to "do it differently". They want to be "Savages". Mustafa Mond wants to speak to the Epsilon who was with the one who died. CJack60. He tells that he changes after touching the dead body. He Felt him. Bernard touches the body too. At Savage Land, John helps to prepare the new show. Bernard and Lenina go on a "safari" seeing the "families" of savages. Now they are going to watch a "savage" show - People killing themselves by sales. And it's time for the "monogamy show". It is a wedding, where The Groom finds out that The Bride (Madysum) has betrayed him with The Affair (Kvle). John "the savage" - sees Lenina. The show begins. John does what the Rebels asked - he exchanges blanks for real ones. A massacre begins. The rebels arrive and shoot everyone in the audience. Lenina and Bernard flee.Sheila, the leader of the rebels, tells John to choose his side. John takes a knife. Bernard is shot. They hide, but John finds them.
People are nude on pool
In the bedroom, the view is of the pool with everyone naked fucking everyone.
Anothe view of the sex pool
John hides Lenina and Bernard at his home. Linda, his mother, discover. Madysyn goes to John's house, she looks for Lenina and Bernard. Sheila says to Madysun that she saw John with them. John hides them. But Madysum finds out. Linda kills Madysum. They will seek to help with the neighbor, Pope. Pope helps John cauterize Bernard's wound. Meanwhile, alone with Lenina, Linda says they don't need "Soma" - "satisfaction pills" - to live. Linda is a Beta too. The Rebels arrive. John, Linda, Bernard and Lenina flee in Pope's truck. They want to reach the barrier that protects New London from the Savages. But the rebels close the road. They decide to walk through the forest. Linda tells John that she is a Beta and her father is an Alpha Plus. Linda hopes that Bernard will be able "to put" John into New London and save him. But the barrier that protects New London is controlled by Indra ("The God"). The Barrier kills all Savages that try to cross. John is afraid to cross because he thinks his mother is lying about his past. A shot is taken - and Linda pushes John, he crosses the barrier. Everybody is saved. Sheila tells Bernard to warn the New London leaders not to go back there. Now they run Savage Land. On the drive back to New London, Linda is bleeding. She was hit by the shot. At New London, Bernard and Lenina try to resume their lives. John is isolated. He wants to know what happened to your mother. Mustafa Mond tries to calm down John. John discover the "Brave New World".
Linda is die. John is sad. Mustafa Mond and The Director watch John. The feeling of loss is new to them. The Director mades a revelation. Bernard tries to befriend John and introduce him to New London. John is introduced to Indra. Bernard introduces John to Julian, the doctor. Julina classifies John as an Alpha. However, John does not let Julian install the "OI" - the "camera" eye that connects him to Indra. He runs away. Without the "OI" he is not "classified" and is treated as a "Savage". John runs away and goes to the Epsilon's dinner hall. The Director finds him. Lenina goes back to work. She does "fertilization". In New London everyone is born through this system. So no one but has "social feelings" for someone else - like - maternal feelings. The Director tells John that he can help him. He is the only one who can help him get out of there. Lenina meets Bernard. She wants to know if the deal they made at Savage Land is still valid. Bernard says that nothing has changed. But Lenina says that she has changed. Lenina isn't happy. John discovers The Director's true identity. They fight. John is lost at orgy room and is rescued by Bernard. Mustafa Mond asks Bernard to mentor John. She reveals that The Director is dead. "He fell". There is now a vacancy open. And Bernard wants her for him. He agrees to be John's mentor and proceeds to offer him "Soma" - the "satisfaction pills".
Lenina is back, lying naked on the bed. Frannie arrives to "cheer up" her friend, she wants to touch her pussy.
Running away, John enters the orgy room and sees several naked people fucking.
Bernard finds John and saves him from the orgy room.
Lenina goes to Henry's room and asks to be fucked by him. Just like they fucked before. Lenina takes off her clothes and Henry starts to fuck her (not shown)
CJack60 starts to have feelings. An Epsilon cannot have feelings. Something is wrong. Mustafa Mond wants to know how John's training is going. She promises that Bernard will be Director soon. The whole city is eager to meet John "Savage". But John is not willing. Lenina sees John with Bernard. John changes his mind. Frannie wants to know what happens to Lenina. The two are Betas, but Lenina is increasingly different.After playing squash, Lenina says to Frannie - it's true, we're the same, the difference is that you always fuck whoever I fuck first. Bernard takes John to meet Helm Watson.Helm is like a "social personality" - she is a celebrity who knows "everybody" in New London.She is an "Alpha Plus" too. Helm is sad why your program was canceled. She is underneath, without prestige. Helm wants to fuck John, but Bernard says he is adjusting. Lenina starts to get out of control. John gets ready for his first "Party", There, John finally meets Lenina. But, Helm picks up John and takes him to his box. At the Orgy Party, CJack60 wants to know why he can't participate. He wants to fuck people too, but he is told by another Epsilon that they don't fuck, they just clean. Henry introduces himself to John, he is the new Director of the Bureau of Stalibility. Henry says that everyone wants to be a Director. Henry is going to fuck Lenina at the party. John sees them both. John doesn't like the way Henry treated Bernard at the party. John wants Bernard to punch him. Is Bernard the mentor or is Jonh the mentor? Bernard punches Henry. In a society without violence, everything collapses.
Lenina is fucked from behind for Henry. She sits on his hard cock. Now she is in control.
At her box, Helm fucks John. She takes her clothes off and sits on his cock.
The orgy begins at party
Helm is sitting nude in John's hard cock. She moans a lot.
John is "captured" by the people on the Orgy Party.
"The Punch" changes society. Helm regains his prestige, Bernard gains star status. And John "Savage" is New London's biggest attraction. Everyone wants to meet you and hear your "savage stories". Despite the punch, Henry wants Bernard and John to be present at his Induction Dinner as Director. John tells Bernard he won't go, they just punched Henry in the face. But Bernard says that everyone is happy there. There's no reason not to go. John finally finds Lenina. But Lenina is a little "jealous". She knows that he is now a "superstar" that fucks every women in New London. Bernard finds out that John is missing. He's with Lenina. Bernard is forced to go to Henry's Dinner alone. Henry tells Bernard that he no longer needs to take care of John. Lenina and John are getting closer and closer together. John is back. Bernard tells John that he is "done" - he will no longer look after him. They fight. Henry sees the two of them fighting: Your revenge for "The Punch" - or this is a "fake fight"?
John fucks several women, in different positions. He's a real sex machine. They all want to be fucked by "Savage"
John fucks Lenina. He takes off her clothes and sucks her tits, her nipples are hard. John penetrates her and Lenina sits on John's cock. Lenina moans a lot with Savage inside her.
Some Girls are nude in Henry's Dinner.
EP07: ☆☆☆ CHEAT GF ☆☆☆
Lenina and John are together. John says that loves Lenina. Lenina says too. They are having an "Affair". After tricking Henry, Bernard and John agree to go to a new party. Mustafa Mond loses control of INDRA, something is wrong with the system. John and Bernard goes to a mud Party. John says it will be his last orgy party. He tries to convince Bernard to stop it too and become "monogamous" - Bernard thinks this is crazy for him. Bernard go to the mud. John have a surprise. John saw Lenina being fucked by another Alpha. He is jealous of her and asks her not to do that anymore. Lenina says she can't. She likes to give it to Alphas, as it is a Beta. Bernard wants to know from Lenina what she thinks about the "Savage Dating Tradition" - Bernard - recalling the pact they made at the Hotel - and encouraged by John to "look for monogamy" - decides to ask Lenina in dating. Lenina accepts. John waits for Lenina, but she doesn't show up. John thinks she is fucking someone else. He starts to freak out and broken cups. For a society that does not lose its head, and where everyone is happy is something different. Suddenly, everyone's broken cups too. Bernard and Lenina's dating is almost over. Now is the time for him to fuck her. Lenina doesn't want to be fucked by Bernard. But she can't avoid her Beta instincts, she needs to be fucked by him.Bernard orders Lenina to undress, but she can't get her dress off. Bernard sends Lenina away. Bernard, is also trying to control his "Alpha Plus" instinct. Something is wrong. John seeks Helm to know how to 'lose feelings'. John allows her to connect his "OI" for the first time.
Another Orgy Party
John sees Lenina being fucked by another Alpha
Lenina is nude with John in shower
Flashback Scene #2
John connected his "OI" for the first time, now he is "connected" to the INDRA network. John reviews images of his past, including the death of his father, The Director. Helm is frightened by what she sees, but she doesn't realize what is. John takes out the "OI", but his memory is already on the network. Everyone is curious to see what John saw. Bernard wants to know about Gary, John's "Gama" servant, if John and Lenina are together. Gary confirms that they meet every night. John begins to change the Epsilon's thoughts. They listen to your ideas and want to be able to decide your own destiny. Lenina goes to an orgy party with Frannie. Lenina is invited for a foursome.Bernard goes to talk with Helm. He get the John's memories with her. Bernard sees John killing his father, The Director. Lenina goes home. John is jealous. He wants to know if Bernard fucked Lenina. John wants to know Lenina is fucked tonight. Bernard shows John's memory to Henry. He wants John to be banned for not killing again. Henry agrees. Bernard lets John's memory "leak". Everyone knows that he killed the Director. John is surrounded by Epsilons. Bernard orders John to be arrested. The Epsilons protected John and disobeyed Alpha Plus for the first time. Free Will. Things are starting to change.
Helm saws John's memory - She saws him fucking Lenina (Flashback EP06)
John put his "OI" again and can see Lenina in the party taking her clothes off to another Alpha. Someother people are fucking.
John wants to know how Lenina was fucked at the party. He opens her legs and starts to touch her pussy. Lenina is wet. He turns Lenina and penetrates her from behind. Lenina asks him to put his dick hard inside her. Lenina starts to moan loudly.
Henry is killed by Epsilons. What is happening? Frannie goes to Reconditioning. She wants to forget what happens with her best friend Lenina. At work, Lenina is pressured by all the other employees because Frannie has been reconditined. If she was reconditined it is because it did not support Lenina's attitudes. Bernard is the new Director. John is hiding with the Epsilons. Lenina decides to flee New London. Frannie went reconditined. She denounces Lenina and prevents her from leaving New London.
Something occurs with New London. Bernard the new Director of Bureu de Stability is concerned. SOMA is missing. People start fighting over the few pills left to maintain their "emotional stability". INDRA is out of control. Mustafa Mond tries to contains INDRA. The Epsilons begin to have free will. They start to "clean up" the city killing everyone of the other classes. CJack60 is about to kill Bernard, but he recognizes him: "The Soma Man" - The Alpha Plus that helped him in the accident that killed his friend. CJack36 helps Bernard to escape. John is stunned, it was not what he wanted when he gave the Epsilons the idea of "free will". Many are dead. John looks for Lenina in the middle of death people. Lenina is alive. Mustafa Mond asks CJack60 for help.They need to stop the massacre.
All 9 eps from Season:
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have fun!?
OSCURO DESESO 2020 link plese
SHAQUE (2020)
Genres: Hotshots Exclusive
Directors: Abhijeet
Stars: Akshita Singh, Ankit Raj, Rishi Grover
Language: Hindi
Storyline: Rohan losses his current job since his company was acquired by a competitor, to make ends meet Rohan’s wife Meeta starts working and does pretty well at her job. It's 6 months that Rohan is jobless and Meeta is an exceptionally well performer at her office hence she gets promoted within a very short time frame, watching this Rohan suspects Meeta’s character and doubts her of cheating him behind his back with her boss. To make his doubt sure Rohan one day asks Meeta to invite her Boss to their house for dinner as an acknowledgment of her promotion. Meeta does so upon Rohan’s request. Tushar who is Meeta’s boss generously accepts their invitation and reaches their house for dinner. While chit-chatting Rohan makes an excuse to leave the house for a while as he has to go out and buy booze for all of them, Rohan installs a camera in the living area to catch his wife red-handed. Watch “Shaque” find out what happens when Rohan returns home
Birdsong 2012 mini series link
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