One of the hottest storylines I have seen.Psychological mostly.
Wife is loving mother and very sporty person who is married to an average working guy and they decide to go on holiday and she preps up.
Wife and family goes on a rafting trip.
A stranded attractive drifter joins their raft midway
Over the neext few days, probably because the presence of a Dominant Alpha male, the wife starts wearing casual clothes.
Over a period of time the Alpha male drifter and the wife have a lot of sexual tnesion and flirting going on and the husband is excluded.Often both are shown in skimpy wear and flirting while the husband cant do much.
Slowly the alpha male drifter starts to develop a bond with the wife while subtly seducing her.The beta male husband starts to become jealous and insecure.
The Alpha male starts to dominate the husband subtly.
At one point the wife takes a skinny dip and the alpha male follows her.She sees him looking but doesnt tell her husband the next day.
Will...all the sexual tension lead to the wife cucking her beta husband with this alpha male or will she save her family.Thats the theme of the movie overall.Even though it has a storyline.
The movie is called River Wild
If anyone likes psychosexual movies where there is subtle seduction and manipulation, just request me to post or like this post.I will post something like I have already done.
Link pls.thank
i searched for that movie's link for an hour but i couldn't find. The only link that i found wants payment.
But i found the photos of the cheating scene. Seems very hot.
Die Dinge zwischen uns (2008)
aka The Things between US 2008
BEFORE you download please READ, so that we both dont have ANY problems
I have manage to find the link to this movie given my someone i know.
The bad news is as i have stated in Letterboxd, this site has ads, if you wish you download continue. Also i cannot download it as my internet is busted until Monday
The good news is that it also has eng subs embedded as i was told, and its free meaning no costs. It wont hurt your computer so you can download
just be aware of the ads
alternatively use IDM to download if you can
File link edited.
Die Dinge zwischen uns (2008)
I didn't know you guys wanted this movie. Working link with no ads. Hf
I love psychosexual movies, I was disappointed with the one you offered us there is no infidelity or sex scene. If you have others to suggest I would be delighted
Amar y Desear: To Love and Lust (2016)
If someone could find this?
Cheating is spread thru the series.
have fun ?
Hi guys i found a good version (hopefull) of El Hilo Rojo 2016 but its 4Gs
The good thing is it has eng subtitles. hear is the link download if you wish
Hi, guys, do you have more psychosexual movies to submit with an alpha male ? I find these movies really exciting, it represents infidelity.
@tinhorse @santos130 @goobster @Jay_ZZZ and others please
@anyone_from_India can you guyz tell me if there any uncensored/unblur version of Aashram 2020 web series...? if yes then can you give the link...? there were nice sex scenes but boobs part were blured... :/
Swung (2015)
An old favorite. couldn't find it in archives
Restart 2019
Toprak goobster need link for this short movie
can you provide another link? Thanks.
One of the hottest storylines I have seen.Psychological mostly.
Wife is loving mother and very sporty person who is married to an average working guy and they decide to go on holiday and she preps up.
Wife and family goes on a rafting trip.
A stranded attractive drifter joins their raft midway
Over the neext few days, probably because the presence of a Dominant Alpha male, the wife starts wearing casual clothes.
Over a period of time the Alpha male drifter and the wife have a lot of sexual tnesion and flirting going on and the husband is excluded.Often both are shown in skimpy wear and flirting while the husband cant do much.
Slowly the alpha male drifter starts to develop a bond with the wife while subtly seducing her.The beta male husband starts to become jealous and insecure.
The Alpha male starts to dominate the husband subtly.
At one point the wife takes a skinny dip and the alpha male follows her.She sees him looking but doesnt tell her husband the next day.
Will...all the sexual tension lead to the wife cucking her beta husband with this alpha male or will she save her family.Thats the theme of the movie overall.Even though it has a storyline.
The movie is called River Wild
If anyone likes psychosexual movies where there is subtle seduction and manipulation, just request me to post or like this post.I will post something like I have already done.
Please post list of movies like this bro
If you know movies like these please post the list.