Lily is a sheltered art student from Michigan going to school in California. She finds an apartment and her roommates aren’t quite normal. One day she finds a box of items belonging to a girl she’s never met before. But in the box are nude pictures of the girl and her diary. Lily begins reading the diary and realizes that she’s going to change her life and become a wild woman! She begins dating a guy and at the same time her art instructor begins to lust after her. The struggle begins when her boyfriend thinks she’s unfaithful to him and her art teacher becomes obsessed.
Details for the movie Poison Ivy II (1996)
Director: Anne Goursaud
Starring: Alyssa Milano, Johnathon Schaech, Xander Berkeley
Genre: Drama, Erotica, Thriller
Country: USA
Cheating Scenes in Poison Ivy II (1996)
Lily (Alyssa Milano) goes to a new school and hooks up with Gredin, her classmate in her art class. They have sex, which, thankfully, we get to see.
Donald Falk, the couple’s art teacher also has the hots for Lily. In fact, he has the habit of lusting for his hot students and we see him fucking and ending a relationship with a former student in an early scene.
Mr. Falk hires Lily to be a nanny for his kid. Of course, it’s just a ploy of him to get a chance to bang the hot Alyssa Milano, er Lily.
Lily seems to hit it off well with Mr. Falk’s daughter (played by a young Camilla Belle), as well as Mr. Falk’s wife.
Lily poses nude for Mr. Falk
One day, Mr. Falk invites Lily to come to the school studio to show him her artworks (and maybe something else, he hopes). Lily obliges and goes to the studio. They talk and she suggests that they help each other by facing each other’s fear. Mr. Falk asks her if she’s sure because his idea of help from her is for her to pose nude so that he can start painting again.
After hesitating, Lily agrees to pose nude for Mr. Falk. In their first session, she just unbuttons and lowers her top and shows her cleavage and bra a little bit. But in their second session, she gets more comfortable. She unbuttons all the buttons in her blouse, exposing her luscious breasts to Mr. Falk. He tries to kiss her but she rejects him.
In their third session, Lily goes fully naked. But she clasps a towel in front of her body to cover her jewels.
Lily kisses a guy at a party to make her boyfriend jealous
Lily’s housemate is flirting with Gredin, so Lily tries to get revenge by kissing a masked guy at a party. Earlier, this masked guy approaches Lily at the bar and does the ‘icebreaker’ on her, that is, he rubs her chest with a piece of lemon, tells her to bite the lemon, then he licks the lemon juice from her chest and takes the lemon from her mouth using his mouth.
Lily seems to get turned on with the ‘icebreaker’ so she dances with the masked guy on the dance floor. She sees Gredin dancing with her housemate, so she kisses the masked guy while Gredin is looking. He takes the guy’s mask off and is surprised to find that it is her geeky, Japanese male housemate. Since she is not really attracted to him, what started between them doesn’t progress and it’s still her boyfriend, Gredin who does the honor of fucking her for the night.
Mr. Falk eats Lily’s pussy
The day after the party, and after a night of fucking, Lily leaves her boyfriend at her room to go to the studio for her session with Mr. Falk. Gredin is jealous, of course. At the studio, Mr. Falk admits his feelings towards Lily and starts kissing her. She is reluctant and tells him to stop, but she lets him lead her to the couch where he continues kissing her. He touches her body all over, takes off her panties and starts eating her pussy. But then, someone rings the doorbell so Lily comes to her senses and leaves.
Mr. Falk tries to fuck Lily at his house with his wife and her bf just downstairs
Lily apologizes to Gredin about the way she’s been acting lately and tells him that she’s not confused now. Hence, when they go to Mr. Falk’s house to have a Thanksgiving dinner with his family (at the invitation of Mr. Falk’s wife), Lily’s guard is up against him. This makes Mr. Falk more agitated and desperate to fuck her.
After dinner, Mr. Falks daughter requests that he and Lily take her to bed. So Mr. Falk and Lily go with her to her bedroom upstairs while Gredin and Mrs. Falk stay downstairs to clean up the dishes.
After exiting his daughter’s bedroom, Mr. Falk grabs Lily’s hand at the hallway, pushes her against the wall, lifts both of her legs up and starts to fuck her.
Now, Lily is very resistant and is crying, which might lead us to easily conclude that she is being raped here. However, Lily’s choice of words is very interesting to me. She asks Mr. Falk, “Are you going to fuck me right here?” (with a hint of narcissistic eroticism in the tone) instead of: “Are you going to rape me right here?” I mean, if she feels that she’s being raped at that moment, she could easily have asked the latter, right? Maybe she doesn’t really feel being raped and is just hesitant because her boyfriend and Mr. Falk’s wife and daughter are just nearby. After all, she already let this guy eat her pussy out earlier. And if she has really decided to end her tryst with this guy, then why continue playing games and accept his wife’s invitation to Thanksgiving dinner with them? Why let the friction linger?
Anyway, Mr. Falk’s daughter and wife come out of the hallway and see them and this leads to a tragic scene.
Final Thoughts
Alyssa Milano is at her peak here: fresh, pretty face and nice, luscious tits. Her sex scenes with her boyfriend are nice, but her cheating scenes are not as nice. They have potential, but in the studio scene, we don’t really see much of the pussy-eating (just the top of his bald head and part of her leg) and it gets interrupted quickly. And the hallway scene is more of a rape scene. It would have been much, much sweeter if at first, she is resisting her teacher, but eventually gives in and starts fucking him back. But I guess the writer doesn’t want to ‘slutify’ her character too much, so we have to settle with that.
Overall, this movie is still highly fappable, primarily because of Alyssa Milano.
More info for Poison Ivy II (1996)
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