When a stuck-up and privileged lady of a wealthy family is left to fend for herself, her butler decides to teach her some overdue humility through BDSM.
Details for the movie Slave Wife (1976)
Other Title: Genso fujin ezu, Fascination: Portrait of a Lady
Director: Akira Kato
Country: Japan
Cheating Scenes in the movie Slave Wife (1976)
Reiko’s husband, Tokugi, is having financial problems with his business and so, in the beginning of the movie, we see her borrowing money from Gohei, the former butler of her family (before she got married). It seems that Gohei got better in life after he retired as a butler.
A few days later, the mischievous Ruriko, Reiko’s sister-in-law, tells their two American soldier neighbors that her sister-in-law is quite lonely and that she loves American soldiers. This encourages the two guys to go inside Reiko’s home and rape her. Gohei witnesses the rape but he doesn’t do anything to stop it and just watches.
After the rape, Reiko goes to the sea to kill herself. Gohei stops her and brings her to his home instead. There, he ties her and starts doing some sadomasochistic stuff to her, while recalling and telling her how she was so uptight and disrespectful to him when he was still her family’s butler.
The next day, Reiko steals a chance to call home, but it is her mischievous sister-in-law, Ruriko, who answers the phone. She tells her to tell her husband that it is Gohei who abducted her. When Reiko’s husband asks Ruriko if it is Reiko who called, she says no, and even puts a thought in the husband’s mind that maybe Reiko intentionally left her. He slaps her.
Gohei continues doing S&M and bondage stuff to Reiko. Before shoving his dick into her mouth, he asks her how his dick compares to her husband’s.
The husband shows up
One day, Reiko’s husband knocks on Gohei’s door. Gohei ties and gags Reiko and receives the husband on the doorstep. Of course, he doesn’t tell him that his wife is inside his house, tied, gagged, and completely fucked during the last few days.
When the husband leaves, Gohei sees Reiko on the floor. It seems that she tried to call her husband’s attention, but Gohei’s dialogue tells us that she didn’t really make an effort to call for help from her husband and suggests that maybe she has gotten to like the kinky stuff he’s doing to her.
He takes her outside and tells him to scream for help while her husband is still not far away (but her mouth is gagged, though, so how could she?). Gohei takes away her gag (she doesn’t scream) and fucks her against a wall. She moans a bit and seems more complacent, hence, Gohei maybe correct that she’s starting to like it.
Reiko’s bedridden father dies of heart attack (due to the naughty Ruriko doing some sex stuff with him). Gohei attends the wake and leaves Reiko at his home untied, yet, she doesn’t attempt to escape.
The sister-in-law shows up
Ruriko goes to Gohei’s house, sees Reiko tied up, and gets subjected to S&M herself. It seems that even if she’s naughty, that it’s not really her thing, so she is crying while Gohei rapes her. Reiko looks at them while Gohei is fucking Ruriko and it seems that she’s even jealous instead of concerned for her sister-in-law’s well-being.
Gohei bathes Reiko and they start having sex, with Reiko very willing this time. In the next days, Reiko submissively cleans her former butler’s big house while Ruriko’s lifeless body is hanging from the ceiling (not sure if she committed suicide or if Gohei killed her).

More info for Slave Wife (1976)
Info + Download Link: Rarelust.com
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