Middle-aged Gerald Kingsland advertises in a London paper for a female companion to spend a year with him on a desert island. The young Lucy Irvine takes a chance on contacting him and after a couple of meetings, they decide to go ahead. Once on the island things prove a lot less idyllic than in the movies, and gradually it becomes clear that it is Lucy who has the desire and the strength to try and see the year through.
Details for the movie Castaway (1986)
Director: Nicolas Roeg
Starring: Oliver Reed, Amanda Donohoe, Georgina Hale
Country: UK
Cheating Scenes in Castaway (1986)
Gerald puts up an advertisement in a newspaper that says he needs a “wife” to accompany him on a deserted tropical island for a year. The young Lucy (Amanda Donohoe) responds. Luckily for him, she’s hot. In the real world, no one as hot as her would have responded and he would have probably gotten an ugly, weird one instead.
Gerald and Lucy meet, dine, and have sex in the city. Then, they get married and off they go to Tuin Island.
After a few months on the island, tension mounts between them and they start having fights. She even refuses to have sex with him. We get to see Lucy naked a lot on the island, which is good coz she has a fine ass.
Two blonde, muscular beach bums arrive
One day, two young guys, Rod and Jason, come to the island on a nice looking boat. They say that they have to deliver the census form which the couple is required to fill up. They’re both hot. Gerald is wary of them while Lucy is glad to see them.
Lucy makes out with Rod
Lucy comes with the two guys to go hiking across the island. At one point, Jason leaves Rod with Lucy, probably so that his pal can get a chance to score with her. Lucy leans on Rod’s thigh while he teaches her how to play the flute. Then, Rod takes the flute away from Lucy’s hand and starts kissing her. Lucy kisses him back. It isn’t shown, but they most probably have sex. I mean, why would Lucy not fuck him at this point? She’s having marital problems with her much older husband, and now he’s alone with this young, hot stud in the middle of an island, what else would she do than fuck him? In the voiceover after their make-out scene, Lucy says, “Oh nooo, I’m a married woman!”
During the night, Gerald tells Lucy that she has been acting like a bitch in heat in front of the two boys. He says that he will beat the shit out of her if she’s gonna behave like that tomorrow.
While Rod and Jason are on the boat away from the island, Jason asks Rod if he got some. Rod laughs and shrugs. There’s some hint of unsatisfaction in his face, so I’m not really quite sure how far he got with Lucy after kissing her.
After the two boys leave, Gerald and Lucy fight. He said she behaved like a bitch. She denies fucking one of the boys, but that she wishes she had. He calls her a liar, mocking her with what she said before, “No sex on Tuin Island, not until Rod and Jason arrive, anyway.” (Note: although Gerald and Lucy are supposed to be not having sex, there’s one scene where it seems that they are, but it could be just a hallucination or maybe it’s just Lucy rubbing her naked body on Gerald and there’s no penetration).
Lucy impregnated?
A few weeks later, Lucy tells Gerald that she’s delayed in her menstrual cycle. She could be pregnant, but if they’re not having sex, then could it be Rod who impregnated her? But, she could just be really delayed. Gerald accepts this news in stride, probably gotten used to the idea by now that Lucy may have indeed fucked Rod a few weeks back.
Final Thoughts
Amanda Donohoe is quite hot. It’s nice seeing her naked most of the time while on the island. The cheating scene is good but it should have included some sex scenes and not just some quick kiss. But it may have been on purpose so that we will forever doubt if Lucy really had sex with Rod.

More info for Castaway (1986)
Info + Download Link: Rarelust.com
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