Legends of Lust (1972)

October 22, 2023

Three prostitutes recall the circumstances that brought them to the brothel. The first one had an affair with her blacksmith neighbor. The second one got married to a young boy. Her cousin/lover came to pay her a visit on her wedding night, tied the boy up and made love to her. The third one had an affair with her manservant. They switch her with a sex doll to evade detection by her husband.

Jude (1996)


Jude aspires to be an academic, but is hobbled by his blue-collar background. Instead, he works as a stonemason and is trapped in an unloving marriage to a farmer’s daughter named Arabella. But when his wife leaves him, Jude sees an opportunity to improve himself. He moves to the city and begins an affair with his married cousin, Sue, courting tragedy every step of the way.

An Old Potter (1969)

May 8, 2023

A lonely old potter saves the life of a young woman. She is grateful to him, but does not return the love he feels for her. However she feels obligated to marry him. In time, her former boyfriend finds her and takes a job working with the potter until he can convince her to run away with him.