The Adolescent (1979)

February 7, 2024

13-year-old Marie discovers her femininity and falls for a young Jewish doctor, but he begins an affair with her mother when her father abruptly leaves for a few weeks to help with a relative’s harvest.

Love at the Top (1974)


Nicholas Mallet, an inconspicuous and shy bank employee, one day successfully invites Marie-Paul, a young woman he hadn’t known before, in the streets of Paris to a café and sleeps with her the next day. When he tells his surprised friend Claude about the incident, the disillusioned and handicapped writer develops a plan to control and manipulate Nicholas’ life. First of all, he procures him to Roberta, a professor’s frustrated and bored wife…

Madame Bovary

Madame Bovary (1991)


In nineteenth-century France, the romantic daughter of a country squire (Emma Rouault) marries a dull country doctor (Charles Bovary). To escape boredom, she throws herself into love affairs with a suave local landowner (Rodolphe Boulanger) and a law student (Leon Dupuis), and runs up ruinous debts. This film version closely follows Flaubert’s novel and includes most of the famous scenes, such as the wedding, the ball, the agricultural fair, the operation on the clubfoot, and […]