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All thoughts, ideas, suggestions, problems, tech queries like deep searching, subtitles conversion, encoding, torrent, vpn, privacy, security blah blah ...goes here.

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1) Do not post WILF movies, films here ..unless to show video related problems.

2) Include link as an examples to prove your statement.

3) All sorts of WILF related wayward thoughts & ideas are welcome without racial abuse, real crime, underage sex etc. etc. 

4) Do not post online videos or films with real crime scenes, scandals etc.





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@ Freebird @Toprak MAN

Yep, yandex was able to reverse search both Jade (1995) & Gift from Above (2003)


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Torrent metasearch option ...snowfl ...lets u search from popular torrent sites piratebay, 1337x, limetorrents....etc. in one go results can be filtered/sorted on the basis of no.of seeders....

Similarly looking for metasearch option with at least google+yandex....for an added advantage it should change to local URL, if any country specific VPN or TOR is used.


A) For general search options in order of preference are:

1) Google or local google using vpn (e.g. if original title is in Japanese ...then using via vpn).

2) Yandex.


B) For russian titles options in order of preference are:

1) Yandex...




C) Similarly for Chinese titles:

1) Baidu


So, using country specific popular search engines is better way...and/or country specific google domain via TOR or VPN.

I wish all friends here in wilfmovies, please mention the country specific search engines mostly used in your country....for now I am sure of Russia & China....

Similarly wished to know about France, Jermany, Japan etc.

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I have an idea about grabbing WILF titles which are badly wanted & is not available in all the possible free options online.

1) We can vote to arrive @ conclusion that it is indeed the most wanted.

2) All those participating in the voting should be willing to put their appropriate share...via a crypto-currency.

3) The cheapest option to purchase the title* (online will be preferred) will be used...and finally it will be encoded & shared.

Purchasing rules for flawless operation.

* -> accumulated crypto in a common multisig wallet ...this way all the participants will have to sign & approve the transaction....or will be converted in to the currency accepted by the store if it does not accept the crypto.

4) Further, rules of voting:

1) 1 week time to vote on single title...a title will be mentioned on Friday with link to buy with least cost (Saturdays & Sundays most of us are free) via likes will be counted till next Friday.

2) A like will be counted as a vote....e.g. a 10$ DVD (or an online title) with total 20 votes ...the cost per member will ~ 0.5$. ? 

3) Weightage can be given according to the member's rank...beginner 1 points ...eminent member 2 points ....trusted 3 points....based on stars.

4) I am still figuring out the final rule to execute the purchase can be based on price to purchase i.e. should be less than 0.2$ or 90% votes or likes by all members??

I guess cost will be more feasible .....your suggestions to fine tune this process is needed.



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How to enjoy (or I enjoy) a WILF masterpiece title?

Finding a great WILF movie is sometimes tedious on the internet....usually I deep search, browse wilfmovies.. according to my mood...interracial, alpha male, wife turned hooker ...etc.  etc. I avoid watching title's video sex scenes, spoiler synopsis the most I only look for the images with the wife's face or sex scenes, trailers or short reviews.

Once I have short-listed a title (with a subtitle)....I wait for free 24 hours of my life ...with no disturbance...also I make sure that my fridge is filled with lot of delicious food & drinks, mocktails  (non-alcoholic). Don't know about others ...I do feel very hungry and thirsty after 2 or more orgasms.

I use my galaxy tablet with good quality wireless headset to watch the title....preferable after dinner...1st orgasm..leads to a good nap of 2-3 hours...if I don't fell hungry...then continue watching ..or watch again some scenes if they are awesome... some titles have made me to reach 4 orgasms ? ...I almost eat & drink everything in my fridge after 3 or the 4th one....the best part is the sleep which comes after ... is almost, as if I am in COMA...(that's what I like the most).....I don't understand why the youngsters ...nowadays are after drugs can never attain that blissful sleep with drugs without harming your mind & body.

Sleep of 9 to 10 hours is normal after the 4th one.. ? later a cup of cappuccino after a bath makes me feel like as If I will be able to solve the world's most difficult problem...even sometimes better than what I feel after a real sex.

My daily practice of different tratak yoga does helps me a lot....because concentration helps you a lot to enjoy everything in your life....whether you are driving a car....doing your office work....enjoying a WILF title, ....anything.

Now a days, I see most of the youngsters believe in multitasking  ...which is sort of distraction to their concentration...kills the deep involvement to anything....they even don't have time to eat & enjoy (chewing 32 times & trying to memorizing ingredients with their flavors is the best way) their meals fact multi tasking  leads to jumping from one thing to another ...without enjoying anything.....hence my advice: refrain from it (we were not programmed to do that) and other mind altering substances....although sometimes little Wine or Beer act in opposite way.

??????? ??? ❦
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stealwilfe I wanted to write something inspired by a friend named. I've been watching at least 3 movies a day for years. they don't have a specific subject, of course, I'm a movie addict, of course, if there are eroticism and sex elements in a movie, I'm more interested, but I don't usually watch movies whose main subject is eroticism because when the characters suddenly have sex while a different subject is being discussed, it turns me on more interesting and absurd sex scenes. Movies have always intrigued me. For example, the sex scene in a horror movie interests me more than a standard erotic movie. For example, Annabelle Stephenson wooing her friend's girlfriend in ESCAPE ROOM or Betty Gilpin's hips shaking while she walks in a black dress in the last scene of the movie in THE HUNT. I can give hundreds of examples, such as the close-up of the sweaty buttocks of the secretary woman in prison in the last movie of THE HUMAN CENTIPED. Sometimes a sex scene or a hardcore scene involving your fetish may not be what will bring you the pleasure you seek. That's why I always prefer to watch interesting movies. ? 

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Posted by: @unkown

Sometimes a sex scene or a hardcore scene involving your fetish may not be what will bring you the pleasure you seek. That's why I always prefer to watch interesting movies.

Yep, i agree ...I forgot to mention that my above plan does not always execute as intended (when I wish to shut off from the world & relax my mind with deep sleep)...I have also spent lot of time watching non-erotic titles...I also like to watch all Oscar nominees & winners of a year.

A movie fanatic will explore all the worlds ....from Casablanca to unsung title like Requiem for a Dream or a very cheap stuff like august underground

Most of the erotic films ...that led to multiple orgasms ...I was not even aware about them in my wildest dream...for eg. while watching an action flick with my friends Face Off ..I had 2 orgasms right in the theater's restroom... (even when the WILF was not that good looking) another 1 while watching it again on VHS sometime later (planned to do so scenes were sudden & unexpected)....but not too short like the ones in The Horns.

You never know what comes...but then I was young, with age your choice & fetish becomes more specific...may be the technology (like blockchain) will bless us with more specific catalogue containing all possible fetishes and details to search.

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Posted by: @theboss3213

Don't really like the main black guy though, he looks to weird in my opinion. 


? looks like a guy who is randomly picked from a black hood...or the one who used his dad's name, fame or money to get that role..

Shit they even don't look at the personalities before deciding the role...

even when they are aware of the fact that: guys with personality & talent like Robert De Niro or Franco Nero or black actors like Jamie Foxx or Danny Glover can seduce or turn WILFs into the all the best possible ways on the screen.

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Please anybody could share the English subtitles of this video..I have tried but couldn't succed

This is hot cheating girlfriend cheats boyfriend with father in law

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UPDATED: 24-December-2021



(For posters @ subtitle repository thread)


If you were not able to find subtitles online (even after deep searching) then this guide tells you how to get or create subtitle for a film/movie.

A) Easiest Way & the best way (Using Netflix or any other popular streaming platform)

If you have an account at the popular streaming video service like Netflix & the title is available there then you can use:

 1) Chrome extensions explained here


 2) If you are not comfortable using extension...then try developer tools as explained in detail here

3) Use google to search methods for downloading subtitles from other streaming sites than Netflix


B) Using Youtube


YouTube adds automatic captions to certain videos. Just be aware that this automatic captioning feature is limited to 13 languages.

They are available in Dutch, English, French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Vietnamese.

If you’re seeing errors in your auto-captions or auto-captioning is not working, then there are several reasons why this could be happening.

  • The language in the video uses a language that isn’t supported for auto-captions.
  • Captions aren’t available yet because there’s complex audio in your published video.
  • There’s poor sound quality, or YouTube isn’t recognizing the speech or voice.
  • A long period of silence at the beginning of the video is preventing auto-captions from working.
  • There are multiple speakers in the video, with overlapping speech.


If you are sure that your video/film qualifies...then:

1) Upload your film/movie to your YouTube account (you may delete it later)...generate subtitles using YouTube studio.


2) If the movie is already on YouTube then you can request the up-loader to generate it.


C) Quick & Unusual Method: If automatic subtitles in youtube are not being generated then you can try this unusual method

Translation can be better if you use the step D below:


D) Other Way: Generating text from video (When you are not able to create subtitles using YouTube studio or above methods)


1) Convert full video/film audio to text.Then translate it to your native language.

I have seen some posts in the WILF forum ...requesting to the poster to let them know what a character said or reacted in a movie scene, specially in foreign category films with no subtitles.

The whole purpose of downloading & watching the film goes in vain if the poster is not willing to help or is not online.

Following is one of the best & free way to convert video/film audio to text:

Youtube Video Tutorial


E) Using Youtube again: Once you have the text file then you can use Youtube Studio's sync subtitle option as explained in step C's video.




E) Finally, Creating SRT file from the text file generated from step C OR D

(A more professional approach)


You can use simple software like inqscribe for transcription & subtitling the text file.

A brief YouTube tutorial on how to DIY. Inqscribe lets you quickly export your created subtitles to subrip (srt) format.



Above methods (except step A..which is direct download) only lets you know whats happening in the film/movie...accuracy is around 70-80% provided the audio of the film/video & translation service is good. Hence it is highly advisable to deep search & grab original subtitles online before adopting these methods.

If you are planning to create SRT file in your native language ...then translate after creating the final subrip (srt) working on inqscribe is easier with original audio & some accuracy is also lost during translation.

Your ideas, suggestions... are welcome to improve or update this post plus you can ask any related questions or help regarding this DIY method.

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Review-The Young Pope (TV Mini Series 2016)

These are simply my reviews that you may find useful.


Rating: TV-MA

Wilf: 3/5 stars

Just an average looking wife.

Eroticity: 0.5/5 stars

The cheating scenes are very short ....the series sets you in a different mood...but that is right & the original theme is not erotic.

Nudity: 4/5 stars

Plot: 3.5/5 stars

A nice theory ...clearly suggesting the changes needed in the Vatican-Catholic ideology, thoughts & actions...dialogues are not up to the mark....later the series does not fully justify (in my view) many miracles are shown.

For me miracles is the last resort adopted by the mystics....if we look @ history....Jesus before/after getting crucified never opted for any miracles ,,,things happened automatically ......some sins were washed by his blood....even he asked forgiveness for those involved in his mercy is the primary quality of the saints....but when sinners became merciless by killing him....then the supreme power as the last resort punished them by bringing in natural calamity (Jesus was not present in bodily form)....even that looked like an earthquake....

One may argue about the Re-birth ...but that can just be a theory to suggest that mystics/saints their teachings never die...they are permanently embedded in the heart of the chosen ones.

But as people like miracles (I mean that's ok ...because may be the faith is related to it).....but I guess the saints never openly do that.....and/or accept about it....because of their humbleness.....they credit it to their father (GOD).

Although a nice change to what is available on various platforms, but:

I guess they should have polished the script...checked it logically with the bible for a better quality story...things were excellent in first 5 to 6 episodes....

Print: 4.5/5 stars

Quality torrents are available.

Subtitles: Multi-lingual easily available.

Link in Wilfmovies: Here

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Review-La Rabia (2008)

These are simply my reviews that you may find useful.


Rating: NA

Wilf: 3/5 stars

Just an average looking homemaker.

Eroticity: 3.5/5 stars

The character cheating with the homemaker does not suits the role...just average looking young man (even his height is less than the wife)....sort of engages her in sado type cheating sex...does not fit well....I kept on guessing from where in the hell they got their hands on double collar sort or remote village...La Rabia.

Moreover consequences on the children ...changes the audience mood,

Nudity: 4.5/5 stars

Adding 0.5 because they showed a artificial looking dick in a scene.

Plot: 3.8/5 stars

I am giving little high score here ...due to art work...some art lovers may like the moral of the plot: wrong impact of sex & violence induced in the the careless adulterers.

Print: 3.5/5 stars

Subtitles: English.

Link in Wilfmovies: Here

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Review-Nobody's Home (2013) aka Köksüz

These are simply my reviews that you may find useful.


Rating: NA

Wilf: 4/5 stars

A natural looking sex-starved Turkish homemaker.

Eroticity: 3.8/5 stars

A teenager Ilker (Savas Alp Basar) struggling with his emotions ...bangs his friend's may find scenes erotic as they are unexpected  plus his mom & sister played by Nurcan (Lale Basar) &  Feride (Ahu Turkpence) respectively are also a typically hot Turkish women.

Nudity: 3/5 stars

Nudity is below par.

Plot: 3.5/5 stars

A Turkish family's struggle is depicted when they loose the head of their family...with bitter effects of a modern life ..the characters have tried to fill themselves into their roles ...but sometimes they overact..

Print: 3.5/5 stars

Subtitles: English embedded.

Link in Wilfmovies: Here

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Review-Alexandra's Project (2003)


These are simply my reviews that you may find useful.


I had shortlisted this title long back.....kept on delaying it as I had partially watched sex scenes of the title.

Rating: Unrated

Wilf: 3.8/5 stars

An aged milf with 2 young teenagers, whose personality suits the role.

Eroticity: 4.2/5 stars

The rating is valid if & only if you have not watched the sex scenes of the it is a popular title with the scenes easily available on various sites....a must watch for cuckold lovers plus those who fancy natural titties with nipples (without make-up) escalating & gripping eroticism.

Nudity: 4.3/5 stars

Plot: 4.2/5 stars

Very good, almost flawless script with good natural acting by everyone...even I liked camera work & direction.

It depicts bitter & harsh reality of a suppressed housewife ...who is at the brink to explode against the hypo-critic male world....where she is just treated like a sex doll by her selfish, self-centered husband who just wants sex in the name of marriage without giving any importance to her needs, emotions & feelings.

A very nice topic if you consider the rise in the divorce cases now a days ...blame it on our thinking, films or porn ...but this may be the bitter truth...only difference is that it is not expressed as bravely as by the Alexandra (Helen Buday)...

Sex is a selfish act....either you can give pleasure to your partner or receive there should be good communication with balance in pleasure for the partners....respecting each others needs (a women may give sex to get love & a man may give love to get sex).

Print: 3.5/5 stars

Subtitles: English easily available.

Link in Wilfmovies: Here

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Review-LFO (2013)


These are simply my reviews that you may find useful.


Rating: NA

Wilf: 4/5 stars

A cute & young wilf.

Eroticity: 4/5 stars

A refreshing change from regular cheating wilf movies....if you like a theme of wife+husband hypnotized....with wife under the influence ..used for sex  & husband made to watch & work....then this title is for you...2 to 3 short scenes...with an old nerd sound scientist engaging in sort of selfish sex with neighbor's wife order to check the limits of the hypno induced by his newly discovered/invented sound frequencies....

Nudity: 3/5 stars

Low light camera work.

Plot: 3.8/5 stars

The plot is based on sci-fi mixed with life based problems, facts etc....everything was just fine but I did not like the part in which ghost of his wife was appearing (probably in his mind).....partially the plot was able to convey the message of human fragility that questions sanity, compassion and self-absorption.

Better for those who understand Swedish language.

Print: 2.5/5 stars

Print is really poor ....I had to re-encode make it playable on VLC.

Subtitles: English embedded.

Link in Wilfmovies: Here

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Hi, does anyone know an easier/ free way to download from mega? I found mega link for balaur 2021 but its 1.81 gb and can't be downloaded continously as I haven't bought the subscription. I will have to wait a lot... Is there any other way?

Or another link for balaur would also be nice... Thank you

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@mistborn share the link bro, I will try to compress it and upload it to my mega cloud and share it here

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Thanks man. big help.


FYI for others,

This is a letterboxd list that has almost updates daily wilf movies... I think its already mentioned since many of them are already there...

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Posted by: @mistborn

Hi, does anyone know an easier/ free way to download from mega? I found mega link for balaur 2021 but its 1.81 gb and can't be downloaded continously as I haven't bought the subscription. I will have to wait a lot... Is there any other way?

Or another link for balaur would also be nice... Thank you

You can use JDownloader 2 Adware-free Setup

It allows you to download from various file-sharing (including mega), capture streams.....blah blah....big daddy of all tools ...provided if it is configured properly.....use it with DownloadHelper extension to download hard to capture streaming media.

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Posted by: @yt700

@mistborn share the link bro, I will try to compress it and upload it to my mega cloud and share it here

Bro encode & share it on the main you will void rule 1 of this thread:

1) Do not post WILF movies, films here ..unless to show video related problems.


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@stealthwifelover Sure thing, in a day I will upload the movie in main forum 

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Review-Comeback Kid 2017


These are simply my reviews that you may find useful.


Rating: NA

Wilf: 3.5/5 stars

A regular the one in your neighborhood.

Eroticity: 0.8/5 stars

Nothing exceptional ...just 2 short scenes of wife cheating in doggy style & in sort of missionary position in the second scene.

Nudity: 1/5 stars

No nudity ...I should say...just legs & some cleavage.

Plot: 4.2/5 stars

If you are looking for short film ...that says a lot ...then this one is for fact plot is the only thing that compelled me to write this review.

Good acting ...actors do fit in their roles... plot depicts the role of karma in the life ...very few remember about past life or may get glimpses about them ...due to the karma we behave in a way & our likes & dislikes have the past impressions.

Well on the funny side ...a cheating wife always's only the husbands who face the consequences hence don't be on the road when you get angry or mad, after finding your wife cheating....either turn to cuckolding or look for revenge sex ..poor soul killed twice by or due to the same wilf.

Print: 4.7/5 stars

1080p or 2k print is available on vimeo.

Subtitles: English available on vimeo.

Link in Wilfmovies: Here

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@yt700 balaur 2021 link. Pls


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Review-Ensalada Baudelaire AKA Andrea


These are simply my views that you may find useful.


Rating: R

Wilf: 4/5 stars

She looks like a model turned high class hooker who got the break in the film industry.

Eroticity: 4.3/5 stars

A title involving wife's degradation with some water sport & cuckoldry angle to it..would have been excellent if some scenes were not repeated and fitted more logically into the script ...but it is indeed refreshing & gripping.

Nudity: 4/5 stars

This is R category of 1978.

Plot: 4/5 stars

Well, they enjoyed making movies in 1978..without bothering about box-office success...with lot of budget plus good times ...they expressed themselves was like taking the crew on a vacation to enjoy & shoot a movie side-by-side.

I loved the typical vintage background music ...won't say much about the plot as it has 2-3 surprises & endings (unique....I must say).

Print: 3.5/5 stars

A good copy of VHS.

Subtitles: English embedded.

Special Thanks: @reddy For providing us the hard to grab title.

Link in Wilfmovies: Here

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@mistborn @yt700 updated link for balaur

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