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Contributor's Thread: Members needed to fill up the site database list.

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Hey guys, I need people to help me fill up the database list. These people, like me, should have some interest and passion in writing cheating notes/description for the movies and in discovering and putting entries into the list and watching it grow. I need your help because there are still thousands of cheating/swinging wife/gf movies out there that need to be cataloged and I alone am not fast enough.

I am automatically nominating those members who have been writing some description on their movie posts in the main thread. I mean, you're already happily contributing these reviews to the forum already, so we might as well put up your contribution upfront, on the site's main movie pages rather than me linking the movie's cheating notes source to your forum posts, right? Some of these members include:

xxxmen, drowzzy, santos130, theboss3213, etc..

There are just the members I could think of, off the top of my head. I will still have to browse the main thread to see who's been diligently providing ample movie description/reviews. To those who would like to volunteer, please indicate your willingness to do so in this thread.

The membership of the people I mentioned above will be upgraded to "Contributors" and you will have access to the site's movie database admin page and will be able to add new movie pages to the database. It's up to you if you will use these new privileges but I really hope you will. For starters, you can even just copy and paste the movie descriptions you have already made in the thread to your new movie entry in the database. Just proofread it a little, check for capitalization, grammar, and spelling, and you're good to go.

I will not require that you upload a screenshot to be used as featured image for the movie (for now), but it would be great if you do, so that the readers will have an idea on what eroticism they can get from the movie. Also, your entry can be possibly included in the site's "latest cheating wife movies review" list, and if the movie is interesting enough, on the "featured cheating wife movies" carousel on the topmost part of the front page.

Making an entry for a movie will be relatively easy because the site has a themoviedb plugin where you can search and extract the movie info from tmdb at the click of a button.

I will be formulating a how-to and some rules in making movie entries and will post them in this thread.

Thank you!

This topic was modified 3 years ago 3 times by Wilf Hunter

theboss3213, santos130, yadem and 7 people reacted
Toprak MAN
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@goobster and @xxxmen are the ones who will do this job best ? I respect the other members but these two are very experienced people in this field.

tinhorse and tinhorse reacted
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@wilfhunter if i was good enough in english i would defenitly help u so hard .. sadly my dialogue is bad

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Posted by: @wilfhunter

Making an entry for a movie will be relatively easy because the site has a themoviedb plugin where you can search and extract the movie info from tmdb at the click of a button.

I will be formulating a how-to and some rules in making movie entries and will post them in this thread.

Thank you!

I don't mind helping you out bro. ? If it takes a load of your back when it comes to adding to the list then i'm here for you. I'm also doing it cause i appreciate this site a lot, found some good movies myself being here so why not. I'll start adding movies and tv shows etc once you've done written all the rules and the how-to. Thanks for recommending me!


@Toprak-Man I understand those two guys are your friend's and that's why you want them to do this. But please if you say you got respect for others don't assume rest of us got no experience. I've done this a long time. There is no competition here, everyone does their best and hope the description is nice. 

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I would love to help out if you want it, thanks for mentioning me. 

I may have some time in the weekends, so send me a message if you need me to help. 

Thanks bro.

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1. To access the movie admin page, go to Your Movie Library or All Movies page.

2. To create a new entry for a movie, click "New Movie" link in the "Quick Actions" tab on the right column if you are in the Your Movie Library page, or click the 'Add New' button on the top part of the main column if you are in the All Movies page.

3. So you should now be in the 'Add New Page'. Input the title on the main title bar in this format:

Movie Title (Year)

Then, scroll down to the 'Wordpress Movie Library' section below and in the 'Find movie on tmdb' search bar, you should see the title you typed above, and if not just type it again on the search bar and press the search icon beside it (the magnifying glass icon). If the search returns more than 1 movie, then the titles along with their posters will appear below. Click the right movie and it will fill up the details automatically. If only 1 movie is returned, then it will automatically fill up the details and you don't have to do anything.

Note: If a lot of movies come up, try typing this:

Movie Title (Year

a.k.a don't include the close parentheses and this will search for movie that is released on the particular year only. It's a little edit that I made to narrow down results.

4. Write your movie description/cheating notes in the main huge box below the main title.

5. If your done editing, then either click 'Save Draft' button, if you want to just save for now, or 'Submit for Review' button on the right column menu. You can also re-edit and press 'Submit for Review' again to save your work.

6. About submitting a screenshot for the featured image. Well there are two sections on the right column for the images. One is 'Featured Image' where the movies poster can be uploaded (this is usually pre-filled automatically by the tmdb plugin) and then the second is 'Featured Image 2" where you can upload the screenshot from the film.

8. Please make the width of the screenshot to 850px. And the aspect ratio to 16:9. If the movie's native aspect is not 16:9 (4:3 or 2.35:1), you can use an image editing software to crop it. I use Photoscape because it has that feature. Or, you can retain the black bars on the sides (if it's 4:3) or on top and bottom (if its 2.35). To get a screenshot like this, I use the screen capture tool Greenshot ( ) . Useful for capturing screenshots in site streams.

9. Please study the 'new item page' more and click the appropriate options for the movie, like it's category, or its 'collection' type on the right column.

.. more will come..


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1. Please make sure that you have watched, or at least browsed extensively, the movie you are going to input, and verified personally that it has cheating/swinging female scenes.

2. Search the database first if the movie is already there. We can't have duplicate entries for obvious reasons.

3. Only the featured image can be uploaded on the site because it has limited resources, and with size 200kb and below and 850px width only, If you want to upload more screenshots, pls upload them to an image hosting site. I recommend

-- more to come --

santos130 and santos130 reacted
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@theboss3213 and @santos130,

Alright, thanks bros, that's great! Please read the howtos and some rules above and you can already start. Don't pressure yourself too much, don't worry if you will make mistakes on your first tries and don't burn yourself out (happens to me a lot lol). Only input new entries when you are well-rested and have the time and energy.

Any questions and problems you may encounter while creating entries, please put them here.

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Posted by: @wilfhunter

@theboss3213 and @santos130,

Alright, thanks bros, that's great! Please read the howtos and some rules above and you can already start. Don't pressure yourself too much, don't worry if you will make mistakes on your first tries and don't burn yourself out (happens to me a lot lol). Only input new entries when you are well-rested and have the time and energy.

Any questions and problems you may encounter while creating entries, please put them here.

Appreciate it this! didn't wanna fuck anything up lol.

I submitted a movie. It wasn't that hard, everything was pretty set up nicely. I used the greenshot program which was perfect. 

The only problems i had was, How do you move the featured image. I wanted to put it above the time mark i posted. 

Also i wanted to know if spoilers are ok or should i not spoil. 

One more thing, the preview button is super helpful. It helps you see if everything is right or not. 

Let me know what you thought of it bro!

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@theboss3213 alright man, not bad for your first entry 🙂 please re-edit it and see the changes I've made. I transferred your review to the main box just below the main title. The 'cheating notes' section is an outdated one and isn't used anymore. Also, you forgot to give a link to a stream 😉

Aside from the 'categories' list on the right column, you also have to tick the boxes on the 'collections' list. Actually that is the more important one because the ones you check there are the categories that are going to be shown on the movie page...

Oh and in the greenshot app, set the default format of the screen capture to .jpg because .png tend to generate huge files..

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Ok thanks bro, I will post some movies and tv series, this series i need to research a little more. 


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@wilfhunter Hahaha damn, i missed the collection box completely and the stream link as well. But i fixed them now. 

Didn't know the cheating notes were outdated. But now i know why i couldn't change the font size on Summary...all I had to do was write it in the big box. ?

I've added them now, and greenshot was changed to jpg as well. First entry but now i know what i needed to know lol thx man.

But bro while you're here. The sex scene screenshot, is there a way on how to move it to above the time mark in my review? Or is it fine as it is?

Also the spoilers stuff, does it matter? or i just spoil if i want. ? ?  

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@theboss3213 yeah man the featured image can't be moved but you can upload a 2nd image and put it close to any paragraph.. but of course it should be another image not similar to the featured image or it won't look good.

About the spoilers, just put a spoiler warning and i think you did that.. or don't worry about it, i only put that warning if the plot twist is really shocking.

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@wilfhunter You should choose the people you will be admin carefully, you should be careful, @toprak man why didn't you apply for this job, you deserve it until the end ? @wilfhunter @toprak man why didn't you write her name she is one of the best

Toprak MAN
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Posted by: @theboss3213
Posted by: @wilfhunter

Making an entry for a movie will be relatively easy because the site has a themoviedb plugin where you can search and extract the movie info from tmdb at the click of a button.

I will be formulating a how-to and some rules in making movie entries and will post them in this thread.

Thank you!

I don't mind helping you out bro. ? If it takes a load of your back when it comes to adding to the list then i'm here for you. I'm also doing it cause i appreciate this site a lot, found some good movies myself being here so why not. I'll start adding movies and tv shows etc once you've done written all the rules and the how-to. Thanks for recommending me!


@Toprak-Man I understand those two guys are your friend's and that's why you want them to do this. But please if you say you got respect for others don't assume rest of us got no experience. I've done this a long time. There is no competition here, everyone does their best and hope the description is nice. 

You can be good at your job, I didn't comment on you because I don't know you very well. for example santos , I know my friend very well but I did not comment in it 😉

wilfhunter There are many people that the admin did not write or forgot. Anyway, I wish you success in your work.


davidboos80 please don't call my name too many times, I don't have time to be admin , I don't have time to deal with this task, even if they ask me to be an admin, I would just say thank you and I wouldn't accept it. I like to contribute to the forum from outside. ? 

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Posted by: @davidboos80

@wilfhunter You should choose the people you will be admin carefully, you should be careful, @toprak man why didn't you apply for this job, you deserve it until the end ? @wilfhunter @toprak man why didn't you write her name she is one of the best

Not admin but contributors, those willing and are interested to write some descriptions for movies and help me fill up the database list.


Posted by: @davidboos80

wilfhunter There are many people that the admin did not write or forgot. Anyway, I wish you success in your work.

Yes, that's why I said these are just the people off the top of my head who I recall are giving some description in their posts. I will scan the thread and mention some more names and request them to write. They can also volunteer here, and I hope they do.


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Contributors don't have to write long-ish description. Even a short but sweet one is enough as long as it can describe the cheating scenes in the movie adequately. Even giving timestamps for those cheating scenes in the movie is acceptable to me. And oh, yeah, uploading screenshot/s for the featured image is encouraged as that will really tell the viewers what they're going to see in the movie in terms of eroticism and decide if it's for them.

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@theboss3213 your first post is up 🙂

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Posted by: @wilfhunter

@theboss3213 your first post is up 🙂

Hahaha look at that! My first somewhat of a masterpiece review, obviously thanks to you bro for cleaning it up a bit. I'll try do more when i can, now that i know how to do it. 


To top-rank and the other guy. How do you guys not know the differance between admin and contributor lol? This isn't to moderate a thread and ban people. This is to expand the catalogue list faster because Wilf alone isn't enough even though he's done a fantastic job alone. 


By the way Wilf bro, for future entries. Do you think it's better if we go through the thread and add the movies that has been typed there or do you want more new random movies? Or it doesn't matter really lol. Cause i'm sure the thread has a lot of movies not cataloged. 

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I was about to ask that question myself, whether we should post what we have previously posted, if not in the list i could edit it and post those as well.

@Wilfhunter, as you know majority of what i post i have downloaded and shared gdrive, anything i find, if i cant find streaming should i put my gdrive link or i shouldnt?

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Posted by: @theboss3213


By the way Wilf bro, for future entries. Do you think it's better if we go through the thread and add the movies that has been typed there or do you want more new random movies? Or it doesn't matter really lol. Cause i'm sure the thread has a lot of movies not cataloged. 

Yes, that's the idea, there are lots of movies in the thread that needs to be added and I just can't keep up, they're just too many thanks to all our members who keep on giving. But of course, you can also add new finds that you found yourself, it depends on what you're excited to write about at a given moment 🙂

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Posted by: @santos130


I was about to ask that question myself, whether we should post what we have previously posted, if not in the list i could edit it and post those as well.

@Wilfhunter, as you know majority of what i post i have downloaded and shared gdrive, anything i find, if i cant find streaming should i put my gdrive link or i shouldnt?

Yes bro, the previous movies posted in the main thread definitely should be included and you can just copy and paste the description you have written for them, maybe proofread them a bit.

Oh yeah, about that, I try to avoid trouble with the copyright police, including with my host, by not linking direct files in the movie pages. Only streaming links to known movie sites should be posted on the main movie pages, and the gdrive and other web download links should just be in the forum.


santos130 and santos130 reacted
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By the way guys, you can install Grammarly plugin in your browser to help with grammar and spelling. It will highlight the errors in your text and will recommend corrections. It helps me a lot.

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Posted by: @ssotiter

@wilfhunter if i was good enough in english i would defenitly help u so hard .. sadly my dialogue is bad

If you're really serious then I will make you a contributor and you can just specialize in creating timestamps for a movie.  For example:

15:20 Wife has sex with lover in a hotel room..

30:20 Wife has sex with lover while her husband is in the other room..

And then just upload a good screenshot from the movie.

Regarding your English ability, well if you create the description like this, then I can easily just proofread them since they will just be mostly one-liners.

Anyway, I have made you a contributor bro, please read the [HOWTO] post above and try to create a new movie entry. If it works out and you would like to proceed in helping, then you will retain your contributor status and can start inputting more movies. If not, that's fine. See if you have the heart for it 😉

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Posted by: @unkown

I Saw the Devil (2010)

a serial killer movie. In one scene of the movie, the man who is a serial killer rapes the girlfriend of another serial killer friend in the kitchen. The woman resists at first but then puts her finger in her mouth and tells her to be faster.

movie link :

If you don't want to watch the movie, you can reach the sex scene mentioned here.


@unkown man, can you do more description like this? If you can, I can make you a contributor if you're willing to do it.

This is what I'm talking about regarding description when I said short but sweet.. I mean, of course, long descriptions are better, but I don't really want contributors to get burned out in creating entries.. They can create long descriptions especially if they like the movie they're reviewing but these small descriptions are also acceptable, especially when there are only a few cheating scenes in the movie.

I have made your membership status to Contributor. Please read the [HOWTO] post above and try to create a new movie entry, see if you have the knack and passion for it, thank you.

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