BookendS (2016)
3.4 (14)

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R  75 min | Year: 2016 |  United States of America

In lockdown... Girlfriends. Share. Everything.

While trapped at home during a hurricane, Harper finds out her husband's new friends are swingers and decides she wants to swap partners for a night of sex without fully considering the consequences. Her pursuit takes her and her marriage to places she wasn't expecting.

More Info:  IMDB | TMDB

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Cheating Notes

The 40-minute dialog before the actual swapping is quite tedious, but the actual swapping of the two couples is very hot (40:00). Harper and her husband's co-worker's lovemaking is more of the raw, animalistic type while her husband and his co-worker's girlfriend's lovemaking is the slow, sort of romantic type. Both lovemaking are hot in their own ways. Take note that they don't actually finish their lovemaking because Harper starts to freak out while she is bent over and leaning against a sofa while her husband's co-worker is banging her from behind, but that doesn't matter, overall it's still very hot.

 Director:  DelaVega

Genres: Drama, Romance, Comedy

Language:  English
Release Date:  18 March 2016

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