Brothers (2009)
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R  104 min | Year: 2009 |  United States of America

There are two sides to every family.

A young man comforts his older brother's wife and children after he goes missing in Afghanistan.

Before leaving on his second tour in Afghanistan, Marine Captain Sam Cahill, a leader, an athlete, a good husband and father, welcomes his screw-up brother Tommy home from prison. He'd robbed a bank. In Afghanistan, Sam's helicopter is shot down and all are presumed dead. Back home, while Sam wastes away as a prisoner in a remote encampment, Tommy tries to take care of the widow and her two children. While imprisoned, Sam experiences horrors unbearable, so when he's rescued and returns home, he's silent, detached, and he's convinced his wife and brother have slept together. Demons of war possess him; what will silence them?

More Info:  IMDB | TMDB

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Cheating Notes

A remake of Brødre (2004). The wife (Natalie Portman) and her brother-in-law share a drink and a joint at around 51:00 and then they kiss. She pulls away though, as she isn't ready for it yet. When her husband is rescued and returns home, he's silent, detached, and he's convinced that she and his brother have slept together.

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