Butas 2 (2012)
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Butas 2
 89 min | Year: 2012 |  Philippines

A man lays dead on the staircase of an unfinished house. The events leading up to his death are seen from three different perspectives, each person revealing a certain side of the truth.

Jiggo brings Pia, his father's mistress to an unfinished property of theirs for a weekend tryst. Andoy, the horny young caretaker of the place, spies on them whenever they make love through holes in the walls, in the ceilings, etc. Pia is aware that Andoy is spying but lets him do it because she's also interested in him. When Jiggo falls asleep, Pia enters Andoy's bedroom and makes love to him. The next sequence of events will lead to tragedy, one that could seal Pia and Andoy's fate..

More Info:  IMDB | TMDB

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Cheating Notes


 Director:  Bong Ramos

Genres: Thriller

Country:   Philippines
Language:  Filipino
Release Date:  4 August 2012

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