Games of Desire (1964)

February 10, 2021

Ingrid Thulin plays the wife of the Swedish Ambassador of Greece. She becomes involved in a romantic triangle, to which you may ask “so what?” In this instance, however, the man who comes between husband and wife has a preference for the husband. Given this, Ingrid feels perfectly within her rights to go off on her own illicit affairs.

The Magnificent Cuckold

November 9, 2017

The Magnificent Cuckold is about a hat tycoon who is ecstatically, if not hungrily, in love with his youthful wife. It is all blissful, that is, until our man, middle-aged and somewhat of a square among his blasé, upper-class friends to whom cuckoldry is a common practice, is seduced by one of them. At this point doubts and suspicions, like conscience, begin to plague him. If he could succumb to extramarital confections, why not his […]