Family Way (2012)
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 132 min | Year: 2012 |  Netherlands

All the members of the De Roover family have ended up at a point of no return in their lives where crucial choices have to be made. Winnie wants a child. Her husband Rutmer wants to get in touch with his feelings. His brother Charlie doesn't want any responsibilities. Their brother-in-law Dick wants his deceased wife back. Head of the family Arend wants to be happy. Mother Jeannette wants somebody to want her.

More Info:  IMDB | TMDB

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Cheating Notes

At 1:04 and 1:06:03, Charlie has a nude sex/bed scene with a chick.

Charlie has been helping her sister-in-law Winnie in her early days of pregnancy while her husband is not around, which leads them to kiss (1:35:51). They do it in a passionate way and they break a vase in the process, which gets them back to their senses so they don't proceed to have sex.

Charlie and Winnie kiss again on a hospital table at the end part of the movie, but much has already happened at this point, including her husband knowing about them and he sets her free to be with Charlie.

Original / Other Title:  Alles is Familie

 Director:  Joram Lürsen

Genres: Comedy, Romance

Country:   Netherlands
Language:  English, Dutch
Release Date:  21 November 2012

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