Felix and Meira (2014)
2.8 (6)

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R  105 min | Year: 2015 |  Canada

A young married woman from Montreal's Orthodox Jewish community finds freedom from the strictures of her faith through her relationship with a young man who is mourning the death of his estranged father.

Félix and Meira is a story of an unconventional romance between two people living vastly different realities mere blocks away from one another. Each lost in their everyday lives, Meira (Hadas Yaron), a Hasidic Jewish wife and mother and Félix (Martin Dubreuil), a Secular loner mourning the recent death of his estranged father, unexpectedly meet in a local bakery in Montreal's Mile End district. What starts as an innocent friendship becomes more serious as the two wayward strangers find comfort in one another. As Félix opens Meira's eyes to the world outside of her tight-knit Orthodox community, her desire for change becomes harder for her to ignore, ultimately forcing her to choose: remain in the life that she knows or give it all up to be with Félix. Giroux's film is a poignant and touching tale of self-discovery set against the backdrops of Montreal, Brooklyn, and Venice, Italy.

More Info:  IMDB | TMDB

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Cheating Notes

First, the Jewish wife won't even talk to her neighbor and won't look him in the eye (because her religion does not allow her to do so) when he approaches her the first few times. However, she warms up to him and starts hanging out with him until an affair develops between them. They have implied sex in a hotel room at 59:20. We don't even see them kiss. He just starts caressing her face gently and then the scene cuts off.

At 1:16:15, the Jewish wife sees a couple petting inside their house through their window. This is the only scene in the movie where there's some petting and mild nudity.

Original / Other Title:  Félix et Meira

 Director:  Maxime Giroux

Genres: Drama, Romance

Country:   Canada
Language:  English, French, Hebrew, Spanish, , Italian
Release Date:  11 January 2015

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