Lovers Lost (1982)
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Lovers Lost
 126 min | Year: 1982 |  Japan

A poignant love story between a 29-year-old woman, who has once been a prostitute but is now the mistress of a wealthy jewelry merchant, and a 19-year-old college student.

Watch out for the sensational and sensuous performance of Matsuzaka Keiko, once labeled the sexiest Goddess in Japan. Sanada Hiroyuki as Yasuoka Kunihiko.

A tragic love story between a lonely mature woman and a lonely young man, surrounded by various life struggles of the people at the bottom of the society in Dotonbori section in Osaka. Hiro’s role is rather low-key among strong colorful characters, such as billiard hustlers and gay hostesses, and yet his personality and delicate acting leaves a strong impression. The love scene of this young action idol and the big name actress was a hot topic at the time of showing.

More Info:  IMDB | TMDB

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Cheating Notes

The college student helps the merchant's mistress find her dog in the city streets. He tries to kiss her (37:32). She pulls away initially and tells him that she's naughty. But then she comes back and makes out with him briefly.

A wife offers herself to a debt collector, who was her former classmate (40:00). After looking at the framed photo of her and her husband, he doesn't take her offer.

The college student and the merchant's mistress meet again and fuck (1:02:42). It's a long sex scene.

The wife from earlier danced naked in front of the college student (1:19:30).

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Original / Other Title:  道頓堀川

 Director:  Kinji Fukasaku

Genres: Drama, Romance

Country:   Japan
Language:  Japanese
Release Date:  12 June 1982

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