Miluji te modre (2017)
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 85 min | Year: 2017 |  Czech Republic

A timid painter falls for a charming window arranger but his inexperience, her jealous boyfriend and her sudden disappearance pose romantic challenges.

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Cheating Notes

David, a timid painter falls for Tereza, a charming window arranger. She has a boyfriend, a stage tricks performer whose acts she participates in.

17:40 - Tereza gets off the bed naked.

24:20 - Tereza gets naked as she gives her boyfriend a haircut.

49:41 - Tereza's boyfriend sees her and David together on the street. The two were just on a lunch date, but of course, she denies to her boyfriend that she was on a date with David when her boyfriend runs over to her and confronts her.

53:58 - Tereza's boyfriend takes over her phone call with David, where the latter is inviting her to dinner. Her boyfriend is the one who goes to the restaurant to confront David, but the latter eludes him.

1:14:12 - Tereza lets David kiss her slightly.

1:15:44 - Tereza has sex with David. The scene is not really well-done, erotic-wise.


I feel bad for Tereza's boyfriend, but hey, women cuckolding their husbands/boyfriends is what we are all here for, right?

Original / Other Title:  Miluji tě modře, I Love You Heavenly

 Director:  Miloslav Šmídmajer

Genres: Comedy, Romance

Country:   Czech Republic
Language:  Czech
Release Date:  26 January 2017

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