Irene is a magazine editor living under the shadow of the Pinochet dictatorship in Chile. Francisco is a handsome photographer and he comes to Irene for a job. As a sympathizer with the underground resistance movement, Francisco opens her eyes and her heart to the atrocities being committed by the state.
Cheating Notes

A beautiful magazine editor (Jennifer Connelly) cheats on her hunky fiance (an army captain) with her new, handsome photographer (Antonio Banderas). After a few light smacks when they are together doing their investigative reporting in the field, and her sitting on his lap during dinner, they finally have sex in a cave (1:00:23) after sharing a very emotional moment because of discovering a mass grave. She's wearing a white shirt which is unbuttoned just enough for a large part of one of her boobs (and some of her areola and maybe even nipple if you look close enough) to come out.
At the beginning of the movie, there's a private moment between Jennifer Connelly and her fiance where she is wearing her panties and her fiance's uniform, unbuttoned all the way so that a large part of the side of her boob is shown, and she is ordering him to undress and present his 'arms'. Too bad there's no accompanying sex scene for this.
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