Veil (2013)
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 73 min | Year: 2013 |  South Korea

Yeong-sik is a personal tax accountant. Two years into his marriage, he feels his wife is not like before. He coincidentally sees his wife meeting with another man so he puts a tail on her only to come back empty. Frustrated, Yeong-sik tails her himself but there's nothing out of the ordinary. A while later, So-yeon's dead body is found in an isolated area and the police call in Yeong-sik and Oh Min-soo, the man So-yeon met for investigation. Oh Min-soo denies he did anything and that he even had an affair with So-yeon. Yeong-sik calls the police and asks how his investigation went but the police say he just denied it and that they'll call them when the case is closed. But what he wants to know is how he testified about his wife, who the criminal is and what the relationship between So-yeon and Oh Min-soo is...

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Cheating Notes

The husband notices that his wife has been coming home late recently. He also sees his wife talking to a guy outside their home. This leads him to think that she's cheating on him. He begins to have delusions and starts imagining his wife making out/petting heavily with the other guy (13:47, 15:30).

The husband hires a private detective to tail his wife and confirm his suspicion. The agency reports that yes, she's been meeting a certain guy but it seems that their relationship is non-romantic. He follows her himself one day and sees her meet the guy in a cafe, but they're just talking and not really getting physical, and then after that, she meets another woman.

A few days later, the wife is murdered.


We find out that the other woman that the wife met earlier was her lesbian lover. Like the husband, she was also jealous of the other guy and asked the wife if she was interested in him. The wife said no and then they kissed in a restaurant (53:21), and then they had sex in a room (dark scene and they're wearing underwear).

A few days later, the other woman saw the wife and the guy together. She followed them secretly and found them fucking in a hotel room. It's a brief and non-revealing scene.

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Original / Other Title:  베일

 Director:  Jung Chang-Hyun

Genres: Mystery

Country:   South Korea
Language:  Korean
Release Date:  5 December 2013

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