Welcome to Switzerland (2004)
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 105 min | Year: 2004 |  Switzerland France

Thierry has left Switzerland and lives in France: he is an ethnologist specializing in the Laplanders. Now, he returns to Switzerland with his girlfriend Sophie for his grandmother's burial. He meets his family again and discovers that he has inherited 2 million Swiss francs. But to get this inheritance, he must prove that he can adapt himself to the values and the way of living in Switzerland. Aloïs, Thierry's cousin, will give special training for his final examination.

More Info:  IMDB | TMDB

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Cheating Notes

Sophie and her boyfriend's cousin Alois kiss while they're in the middle of climbing a mountain (57:35). They then fuck beside a stream.

Sophie leaves her sleeping boyfriend at their hotel room to meet Alois (1:27:35). They start kissing on a boat but she gets mad at something so they don't proceed to have sex.

Sophie and Alois start kissing beside the road but they see her boyfriend approaching in a car so they stop (1:34:20).

At the end of the film, Sophie leaves her boyfriend for Alois. She and Alois kiss and have implied sex on the grass.

Original / Other Title:  Bienvenue en Suisse

 Director:  Léa Fazer

Genres: Comedy

Country:   Switzerland France
Language:  French
Release Date:  30 June 2004

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