Based on the real-life scandal that shocked Victorian-era England, the film tells the story of Euphemia “Effie” Gray. At 19, she marries the prominent art historian and critic John Ruskin, but Ruskin refuses to consummate their marriage. Lonely and frustrated Effie is drawn to pre-Raphaelite painter John Everett Millais and finds a friend and champion in Lady Elizabeth Eastlake. After five years trapped in a loveless marriage, Effie will defy the rules of Victorian society.
Details for the movie Effie Gray (2014)
Director: Richard Laxton
Starring: Dakota Fanning, Greg Wise, Tom Sturridge, Emma Thompson
Genre: Drama
Country: UK
Cheating Scenes in Effie Gray (2014)
While in Venice, the young wife Effie (Dakota Fanning) rows a boat with a young guy on her back holding the oar with her. The young guy puts his hand under her skirt while she tries to stop him. When the boat touches land Effie runs away from him. She does not tell her husband about this incident.
Effie, along with her husband and a painter go to a remote cabin somewhere in Scotland so that the painter can paint her husband and so that she can rest as well for her health. Here, Effie gets close to the painter. One day, the painter comes beside her and holds her hand. During a flashback scene, we see the painter on top of Effie and kissing her on the ground (we don’t know if this really happened or just imagined by Effie.
No sex and nudity.

More info for Effie Gray (2014)
Info + Torrent Link: Torrentz2.eu
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