Hot Desire (2013)
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Hot Desire (2013)
Hot Desire (2013)


A man wants to rekindle his passionate and sometimes violent affair with his former girlfriend who is now married to another guy. This will lead to him and his ex-girlfriend’s husband getting killed.

Details for the movie Hot Desire (2013)

Other Title: 그녀의 뜨거운 욕망, Her Hot Desire

Director: Lim Hyeon-seong

Starring: Hannah Kang, Kim Joo-hyeok, Song Joo Hui

Genre: Asian Erotica

Country: South Korea

Language: Korean

Cheating Scenes in the movie Hot Desire (2013)

Note: Watched without subtitles.

There are four characters in this movie: the wife, her husband (a bespectacled nerdy guy), her lover (let’s call him Lover Boy, a ladies man), and Lover Boy’s girlfriend.

– Lover Boy fucks his girlfriend then calls the wife after. The wife is currently preparing food in the kitchen when he calls her.

– (Flashback) Lover Boy and wife meet, take a walk and make out by the seashore.

– (Flashback) Lover Boy and wife have sex in the stair landing of a building. They continue it inside a bedroom.

– Lover Boy and wife meet and talk in a stretch of lonely road. Lover Boy suddenly grabs the wife and makes out with her. After that, wife has a flashback of them fucking with blood on their mouths. The blood is from a wound on his lips which is caused by her slapping him. Then, the scenes switch multiple times from them talking, arguing and making out in the middle of the road to flashbacks of their past sex session.

– Lover Boy fucks his girlfriend again.

– We see the wife’s husband for the first time. He is a nerdy, naive kind of guy. They are watching TV and the wife starts crying (probably because of guilt). Her husband comforts her and they make out a bit.

– Lover Boy fucks the wife. And it looks like it’s in the wife’s own bedroom.

– A female whose face is not shown (probably Lover Boy’s girlfriend) rings the couple’s door and leaves a message on a paper on the floor. Husband picks it up. Not sure what it says.

– While Lover Boy is getting a blowjob from his girlfriend in the elevator, he calls the wife, who is with her husband in the kitchen/dining table at that time. He probably wants to do some kinky stuff with both ladies (girlfriend sucking his dick while having phone sex with the wife). The wife does not answer it and Lover Boy gets mad.

– Lover Boy comes to the wife’s home and starts arguing with her, probably because she didn’t answer the phone earlier. The husband is not home. Lover Boy fucks the wife.

– Lover Boy brings the wife to his home and fucks her there. Meanwhile, Lover Boy’s girlfriend comes to the husband and seduces him. She fucks him then kills him.

– The wife makes Lover Boy drink poison and kills him as well.


Hot Desire (2013) - screenshots
Hot Desire (2013) – screenshots

More info for the movie Hot Desire (2013)


Info + Torrent Download Link:

Info + Torrent Download Link: (requres registration)

Watch Online: First 20 min., 2nd 20 min. (incomplete)

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