Hot Shots! Part Deux (1993)
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Hot Shots! Part Deux (1993)


Topper Harley is taken out of retirement to lead a rescue team into Iraq to save the men who went to save the men who went to save the men.

Details for the movie Hot Shots! Part Deux (1993)

Director: Jim Abrahams

Starring: Charlie Sheen, Lloyd Bridges, Valeria Golino

Genre: Comedy, Action

Country: USA

Cheating Scenes in Hot Shots! Part Deux (1993)

In Hot Shots part 1, Topper Harley (Charlie Sheen) and Ramada (Valeria Golino) became a couple and had sex. But in this sequel, Ramada reveals that she is married even before they were together, but that she thought her husband was dead then.

Along with a team, they both come to Iraq to save war prisoners which include Ramada’s husband. They are successful in their mission and when they are about to board the chopper and leave, Topper tells them he will remain so that he can save the president who is still fighting Saddam. Ramada tells him that she will stay with him. He tells him to get on that chopper with her husband because she belongs with him. He asks Ramada if she knows what will happen if she stays. Ramada answers, “Of course I do. Sex. Wild, free, passionate, unbridled sex. I’d fondle you in ways you can’t imagine. I would pleasure you at any time, in any place, in any way, for as long as you could possibly desire.” Topper Harley can’t help but gulp his own saliva hard when he hears these words from her.

Now remember, Ramada’s husband is on board the chopper and just a few meters away from them. If it hasn’t been for the loud sound of the chopper’s rotors, he would definitely have heard of his wife’s proposition of wild, passionate and unbridled sex to another guy.

Ramada’s husband gets off the chopper to get a shot of the two. He says they look good together and tells Topper to put his arm around Ramada. The two get their faces real close to each other, with their noses touching and Topper even kissing Ramada’s forehead in front of her husband. To this, the husband says they’d make a great couple under a different circumstance. He moves backward trying to get a better frame and falls into the cliff. Well, now that he’s dead I guess Ramada is free to pursue her proposal of wild, passionate and unbridled sex to Topper.

Hot Shots! Part Deux (1993)
Hot Shots! Part Deux (1993) – screenshots

More info for the movie Hot Shots! Part Deux (1993)


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