A Different Loyalty (2004)
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 96 min | Year: 2004 |  Canada Malta United Kingdom United States of America

Leo Cauffield, chief of British counterespionage, fails by a whisker to arrest two fellow Cambridge-graduated spies who just manage to defect to Moscow, resigns and becomes a journalist. In Beirut, home of his Islam-converted father, Leo seduces Sally Tyler to divorce her husband for him. Their happiness with children from both marriages is cut short a few years later, when Leo suddenly disappears; Sally learns soon he's suspected of having defected to Moscow too, which she refuses to believe, but will be forced to while Western secret services want Leo back or dead.

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Cheating Notes

Sally and Leo meet in Beirut through common friends. When they meet again at a party, Sally tells Leo that she's a little nervous because she has to remind herself that she's married every time she's around him (9:42). When Paul, Sally's husband goes on a trip to Libya, Sally meets Leo for tea in a cafe.

Apparently, Leo is Paul's acquaintance, and when the three of them have dinner together, Paul asks Leo to keep Sally company on his next trip. When Paul stands up to get brandy, Sally gives Leo a flirty smile, and when Leo starts writing a note on a matchcase intended for her, she turns around to make sure that her husband isn't looking. The note says "deeper than ever," and Leo then secretly hands it to Sally, with their hands touching momentarily (13:30).

Not only does Leo accompany Sally after her husband has left again on a trip, he also screws her (14:12). They do it standing up against a grilled door meant to confine some goats. Sally doesn't get naked here.

Paul finds out about Leo and Sally's affair and tells the two that he won't file for divorce himself but will also not stand in their way. We then see Paul and Sally have sex for the second time, on a sheet laid out on the floor (17:07). Sally gets naked here.


A movie where Sharon Stone plays a cheating wife? How could I have missed it all this time? Well thanks, forum.

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