À la joie (2023)
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Cheers to Joy
 108 min | Year: 2023 |  France

March 2020. Véra makes a quick trip to Paris to feed a friend’s fish and water her plants while she’s hospitalized with a mild case of Covid. France is already abuzz with rumors of the spreading virus. But instead of hopping on a train back to Montpellier, as planned, she impulsively lies to her fiancé Mehdi and says all trains have been canceled and she’s stuck in Paris… just as everyone else is hightailing it out of the city and the entire country goes into lockdown. So Véra holes up in her friend’s apartment, relieved to have a bit of quiet time to herself. Then she crosses paths with Sam — a chance meeting that changes her life.

More Info:  IMDB | TMDB

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Cheating Notes

Véra makes a quick trip to Paris to feed a friend’s fish while she’s hospitalized with a mild case of Covid. But instead of hopping on a train back to Montpellier where her fiancé is waiting, she holes up in her friend’s apartment and consequently meets a guy named Sam.

Vera injures her head and invites Sam in from her window to help her. She initiates kissing with him and they have sex (35:06). She only gets nude after sex in this one.

Vera and Sam start having sex on the floor but somebody knocks on the door and interrupts them (44:13).

Vera and Sam fuck several times, at 48:51, 1:08:26, and 1:20:29. These three are their best sex scenes (especially the third scene where she rides him). They have ample nudity and she makes passionate moans in them.

Original / Other Title:  À la joie, Auf die Freude, Cheers to Joy

 Director:  Jérôme Bonnell

Genres: Comedy, Drama, TV Movie

Country:   France
Language:  French
Release Date:  14 September 2023


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