Adultery Alumni Association (2018)
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 82 min | Year: 2018 |  South Korea

Five college alumni gathered at a pension after a long time. They are happy to relive their past memories, but do some of them have a different purpose for coming?! Yoon-jae expresses what he feels to Yujin, whom he had a crush on in college. A set meal enjoyed by two female classmates. The affair reunion is about to begin, with different ways of having fun...

More Info:  TMDB

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Cheating Notes

Yujin (married) and her two female college friends (both single) reunite and go to a resort. It is supposed to be just them girls, but two male college friends join them. First is the bartender, who is screwing Yujin's two female friends without each of them knowing. Second is Yoon-jae, who could have been Yujin's significant other back then. They liked each other and went out a couple of times during college but didn't become a couple because they weren't very open to each other.

Yujin and Yoon-jae finally become more expressive of their feelings for each other at the resort and they have sex (43:13).

A few days later, after her husband has gone to work, Yujin asks Yoon-jae to come over and fix her pipe. Needless to say, they have sex for the second time (1:13:01).

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Categories: Asia, Cheating, Cheating Wife

Original / Other Title:  불륜 동창회

 Director:  Jo Tae-ho

Genres: Drama, Romance

Country:   South Korea
Language:  Korean
Release Date:  2 March 2018

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