Cold Heart
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 95 min | Year: 2001 |  United States of America

A dangerous psychopath seduces his psychiatrist's unhappy wife.

A woman discovers becoming attracted to the wrong man can have deadly consequences in this tense erotic thriller. Linda (Nastassia Kinski) is a woman whose life would seem ideal on the surface: she runs a thriving business and is happily married to Phil (Jeff Fahey), a psychiatrist. But a faint air of discontent has begun to creep into her relationship, and when Linda hires Sean (Josh Holloway), one of Phil's patients, as an assistant, she finds herself seriously tempted for the first time. Linda impulsively sleeps with Sean one night, but the next day decides she made a mistake and tries to break off her affair. Sean, however, is not willing to give her up so easily, and his attraction to her soon becomes a dangerous obsession.

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Cheating Notes

In a flashback, Sean recalls the reason why he is in jail. His girlfriend cheated on him, showing her a picture as proof. He tied her and then beat her and tried to kill her when she attempted to escape.

Meanwhile, our main wife Linda starts suspecting that Phil, her husband is cheating on her.

Sean is released from prison with the help of Phil. Sean gets hired at Linda's company as her assistant. He starts obsessing over her. One day, he asks her out. Linda says no, but she does a bit of harmless flirting with him.

Linda dreams that Sean enters her home and fucks her.

Sean accompanies Linda on a business trip when Julia, Linda's secretary can't go. They dine and drink at the bar of the hotel that they stay in. They play a game where, if one of them doesn't answer a question, then he or she takes a shot of tequila. When Sean asks Linda if she's happy, she doesn't reply and takes a shot. When she asks him if he's trying to get her drunk, he also doesn't answer and takes a shot.

The two take shots several times, seemingly intent on not answering a lot of questions so that they will get drunk and have a reason to have sex. When they go to the dance floor, Sean asks Linda a final question: "Will you sleep with me tonight?" Linda doesn't answer him, but in the next scene, we see them fuck in the hotel room.

The next day, they attend the showing of a movie which Linda's company has produced. Inside the cinema, Sean caresses Linda's legs and pussy. She gets affected but she stops him and goes to the restroom. Sean follows her there and they have sex inside.

After the showing, Sean discreetly caresses Linda's legs under the table while they dine and talk with an executive. When they come back to their hotel, they have sex again.

On their drive home, Linda tells Sean that she made a mistake and somewhat tells him that they should end their affair, but she isn't too sure herself if that's what she wants at this point.

Linda tells Julia about her affair with Sean.

Sean tells Phil during their psychiatric session that he's fucking somebody's wife, but he doesn't tell him that it's Phil's own wife.

In the office, Sean gets rough with Linda when he tries to have sex with her in the copier room. She doesn't want it that way although she kisses him back a bit. They are interrupted by Julia. Linda welcomes the interruption while Sean gets pissed at julia.

In the parking lot, Sean tries to kiss Linda again. This time, she tells him that it should be over between them since she's married. He starts to get psychotic on her and threatens her.

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