Daddysitter (2024)
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 60 min | Year: 2024 |  Philippines

A student taking on an unusual ”daddysitter” job. As she grows close to her wealthy, ill client, his estranged son’s return complicates everything.

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Cheating Notes

Mara becomes a ”daddysitter” to the sick, middle-aged Ryan who only has several months to live. Daddysitting means not only giving care to him but also fulfilling his sexual needs. She has sex with him the first time they meet and begins to stay at his house to fulfill her role (23:23).

Mara goes to a bar with her female friend and meets Joseph. She has sex with him in the bar's toilet room (27:55).

The next day, Ryan asks Mara about her night out and tells her that she shouldn't go overboard on these night outs because he's the jealous type, therefore, indicating that he now considers Mara as his partner. They have sex in the kitchen (32:06). He then proposes to her after, telling her that he'd like to spend the remaining last months of his life with her. She says she isn't ready yet.

Ryan is visited by his no-good son, who is asking for some property to be given to him. Mara is surprised that Ryan's son is Joseph, the one she had a one-night stand with! Joseph decides to stay.

Ryan decides to disinherit Joseph and asks his attorney to change his will asap.

Joseph blackmails Mara with a video of them having sex in the bar's toilet room and tells her to put something in his dad's drink. He also forcefully screws her (44:50), perhaps after he gets aroused when he saw her getting screwed from behind by his dad in a standing position earlier. Mara, unable to refuse because of the sex video, cries while Joseph bangs her in the same position as his father did earlier.

 Director:  Christian Paolo Lat

Genres: Drama

Country:   Philippines
Language:  Filipino
Release Date:  2 August 2024

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