Das Boot (TV Series) (2018)
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Das Boot
 60 min | Year: 2018 |  Germany Czech Republic

An inexperienced U-boat crew has to survive a secret mission and a young German woman is torn between loyalty for her home country and the French resistance in the WWII drama.

More Info:  TMDB

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Cheating Notes

Episode 3 (no nudity): The wife of a German counsel cheats with a German detective. The same woman has another cheating scene with a different guy later in episode 8.

Episode 7 (no nudity): The wife of a German navy general tries to give a blowjob to a sailor in the street but is interrupted by her husband's friend who is also a navy officer. BTW, the wife has a brief nude sex scene with her husband in episode 2 at the very end.

Episode 8 (full frontal nudity): The husband's friend invites the general's wife to dinner while her husband is out of the country on duty. He takes her to his private quarters and bangs her. The hottest scene in the series.

Episode 9: After a hot night of sex, the wife and her husband's friend have one more round before she leaves at the very beginning of the episode. Also full nudity here.

There are also other nude sex scenes (non-cheating) so I'm not mentioning them but be sure to check them out.

(read original source by rony7278 at the forum)


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