Human Capital (2013)
3.3 (3)

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 111 min | Year: 2013 |  Italy

They bet on the ruin of their country. And they won.

The destinies of two families are irrevocably tied together after a cyclist is hit off the road by a jeep in the night before Christmas Eve.

Dino Ossola, a small-time real estate agent who dreams of bigger things; Serena Ossola, his teenage daughter who dates a spoilt rich brat; Carla Bruneschi, an actress who has given up her career to marry a wealthy businessman; Massimiliano Giovanni Bernaschi, her husband, a powerful player; Massimiliano Bernaschi, the troubled son of the Bernaschis'; Roberta Ossola, a psychologist, Dino's second wife; Donato Russomano, a brilliant drama teacher who is stuck on Carla; Luca Ambrosini, a teenager frowned upon by others; an anonymous cyclist - They are all shareholders of the human capital. Errr - all? Really?

More Info:  IMDB | TMDB

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Cheating Notes

At 47:10, Carla Bruneschi, an actress who has given up her career to marry a wealthy businessman, has sex with her former drama teacher inside her home theater. She doesn't get naked.

At 1:17:59, Carla's son's ex-girlfriend gets naked and pets with her new guy on the bed.


Original / Other Title:  Il capitale umano

 Director:  Paolo Virzì

Genres: Drama

Country:   Italy
Language:  Italian
Release Date:  3 December 2013

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