A woman and her lover, who have made a living by running sex scams at hotels, decide to enter the big time by kidnapping a computer company owner and demanding a four million dollar ransom. The two hire a tech wizard and a muscle man, who amuses himself by playing Russian roulette. Things go awry during the kidnapping when a neighbor is killed, who turns out to be the wife of a powerful Senator. As things develop, it turns out that the murder may not have been as accidental as it originally appeared. Slowly, things unveil not to be everything that was originally thought.
Cheating Notes

At 50:33, Coco (Carla Gugino) relates how she and her current boyfriend, Junior, met. She had a boyfriend back then named Jiminy. She and Jiminy planned to rob a supermarket where Junior was working at. She ended up getting locked in with Junior in the supermarket overnight. They warmed up to each other and had sex in the meat freezer. We only see the part where he ate her pussy while she was hanging on to a meat hook. Non-naked, but they do have an earlier sex scene where they get kinda naked, a.k.a we see Coco's side boob (17:50).
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