Love Came From Afar (TV Series) (2001)
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 45 min | Year: 2001 |  Greece

The unpredictable and forbidden love romance between a married woman and an Albanian migrant who works for her husband!

More Info:  IMDB | TMDB

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Cheating Notes

Watch all episodes of this series here

Episode 1

22:08 - The wife has sex with her husband. Her nipple takes a peek a few times briefly.

Watch Episode 1

Episode 2

38:17 - During heavy rain, the wife helps the workers lift hay into the truck. Her tits poke through her very wet shirt.

19:40 - The husband has sex with his lover (nude). She is a singer in a bar.

34:00 - The husband pacifies his mad wife (mad because he's home late) and has sex with her. Strategic nudity only.

Watch Episode 2

Episode 3

34:20 - The wife bumps into Ilias (the Albanian migrant who works for her husband) when she tries to catch a bird. Their bodies press against each other's.

Watch Episode 3

Episode 4

17:50 - Ilias sees the husband with her lover.

28:05 - Ilias consoles the crying wife when she shares with him that she can't have children.

32:05 - Ilias watches the wife and husband making out through the window using his binoculars. He also sees the wife in her bra and panties as she closes the window.

Watch Episode 4

Episode 5

30:20 - The wife visits Ilias in jail (he's there probably because of his immigration status). He holds her hand through the cell's bars.

Watch Episode 5

Episode 6

24:40 - Ilias is out of prison. He and the wife almost kiss in the field.

31:19 - The wife and Ilias look at each other through the windows of his quarters and her living room.

39:38 - Ilias has sex with his own wife/girlfriend. Only the initial petting is shown.

Watch Episode 6

Episode 7

11:23 - The wife doesn't answer Ilias' knocks on her door, afraid that she might not be able to control herself if she opens the door for him.

22:36 - The wife confronts Ilias about something. They nearly kiss again but she turns around and walks away at the last moment.

Watch Episode 7

Episode 8

9:58 - The wife and Ilias kiss for the first time, under the pouring rain. She runs away feeling guilty. When they talk later, she tells him what happened was a mistake and that it shouldn't happen again.

Watch Episode 8

Episode 9

4:10 - The wife seduces her husband and has a petting session with him on the couch.

38:58 - The wife makes out with her husband on the field.

Watch Episode 9

Episode 10

24:42 - The husband's lover cheats on him with his brother. She and the husband's brother make out in a car. He doesn't know that she is his brother's mistress and falls in love with her.

27:50 - After initially resisting Ilias' advance, the wife gives in and makes out with him. But it's still not a full-on make-out session because she's still hesitant and she runs away again.

33:32 - The husband's lover has sex with his brother. Nude.

Watch Episode 10

Episode 11

17:22 - Ilias talks to the wife outside the venue of a party that they and their respective partners are attending. He tells her that he loves her and convinces her to leave her husband for him. She tries very hard to resist his attempt at kissing her and barely gets away from him. His wife comes out and almost catches them.

Watch Episode 11

Episode 12

15:11 - The husband finds out about his lover's affair with his brother when he sees them kiss goodbye in front of her place. He confronts her, and she confesses to his brother about their affair. The husband's brother gets mad at her and will also confront his brother later.

Watch Episode 12

Episode 13

22:09 - The wife has sex with her husband.

36:51 - The wife finds out about her husband's affair through a confrontation with his lover and his brother. She confronts her husband later and comes to her mother's house to stay there for a while.

Watch Episode 13

Episode 14

20:45 - Now that the wife knows about her husband's affair, she is ready to proceed with her own affair with Ilias guilt-free. She meets him in the woods, still tries to resist his advance at the last moment, but finally gives in and makes out with him.

Watch Episode 14

Episode 16

4:54 - The wife meets Ilias in the field and has sex with him, but we only see the initial passionate kissing and the part where she takes her shirt off and the strap of her bra off her shoulder.

42:45 - The wife and Ilias make out.

Watch Episode 16

Episode 19

23:12 - The wife and Ilias have sex. She takes her bra off but she only mostly shows her tits to Ilias and not us. Damn it! We see some cleavage though and maybe even her areola.

Watch Episode 19

Episode 20

6:40 - The wife and Ilias meet and kiss in the park.

11:56 - The wife and Ilias have sex in her hotel room. She doesn't take her bra and panties off.

42:59 - The husband has sex with his wife's friend.

Watch Episode 20

Episode 21

34:51 - The wife and Ilias kiss in the woods.

40:18 - The husband and his wife's friend have sex again. It's actually hot and passionate, even if she does not take her bra and panties off.

Watch Episode 21

Episode 22

35:59 - The wife and Ilias have sex in the office. We only see the initial kissing and the part up to her revealing her bra.

Watch Episode 22

Episode 25

20:58 - The husband breaks the door of his wife's hotel room and finds Ilias and her inside. A confrontation enseus.

45:40 - While an angry group of persons throws stones at their window, the wife and Ilias make out.

Watch Episode 25

Episode 27

19:08 - The wife and Ilias have sex. If you pay close attention and increase your screen's brightness, you will be able to see her nipple, albeit briefly.

Watch Episode 27

Episode 30

10:00 - The wife and Ilias have sex. Lots of cleavage but the camera could have focused lower to reveal her tits to us.

Watch Episode 30


The wife's cheating scenes vary from ok to great. One of the hottest scenes for me is the sex scene between the husband and the wife's friend in Episode 21.

Original / Other Title:  Η Αγάπη Ήρθε από Μακριά, I agapi irthe apo makrya

 Director:  Manousos Manousakis

Genres: Drama

Country:   Greece
Language:  Greek
Release Date:  5 October 2001

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