Nr. 23 (Short) (2003)
4.3 (16)

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 28 min | Year: 2003 |  Germany

A rainy night, a car breaks down, an old house in the middle of nowhere with a light burning in the window. Soaking wet, Markus knocks on the door - and interrupts Renee in the middle of her pottery. She’s suspicious of the young stranger, but interested. An Adonis is missing from her artistic collection of dildos. It’s only a matter of warming to the occasion, and she’s in the flush of life. So she reaches for Apollinaire on the book shelf. . .and a jar of honey.

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Cheating Notes

A wife who is into dick-sculpting lets a young man who seeks shelter on a rainy night into her home. She pays him for his dick to be used as a model for her mould, and then she has 'sweet' sex with him.

We know that the wife is married based on her dialog with the stranger. At the end of the movie, her husband, who is off-screen, can be heard talking to her.

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Original / Other Title:  Nr. 23, No. 23 or How the Honey Spoon Got Between the Sheets, Die schönste Sache der Welt: Nr. 23 - oder wie der Honiglöffel in die Wäsche kam

 Director:  Bernd Heiber

Genres: Drama

Country:   Germany
Language:  German
Release Date:  28 July 2003

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