O Amor Dá Voltas (2019)
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 99 min | Year: 2019 |  Brazil

André is a young doctor who, after spending a year working in Africa, discovers that his girlfriend has married someone else and now has a baby and he has been exchanging letters not with her, but with her sister.

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Cheating Notes

André is a young doctor who, after spending a year working in Africa, discovers that his girlfriend has married someone else and now has a baby and he has been exchanging letters not with her, but with her sister. Eventually, his ex-girlfriend has a tryst with him (kiss during dinner at 1:13:17 and sex at 1:22:34), with their meeting aided by her sister, who is also at the meeting place (a vacation house) while they're having their tryst. Sideboob nudity only.

Andre and his ex-girlfriend's sister were also hanging out with each other prior to his meeting with his ex-girlfriend so that complicates things because she has fallen in love with him.


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Original / Other Title:  O Amor dá Voltas, Suspension Points

 Director:  Marcos Bernstein

Genres: Comedy, Romance

Country:   Brazil
Language:  Portuguese
Release Date:  18 October 2019

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