Shameless (2012)
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 81 min | Year: 2012 |  Poland

In an incendiary story of love, desire, and betrayal between siblings, the rebellious young Tadek returns to his half-sister Anka’s home in search of solace and affection. Bound together by a painful shared family history, brother and sister must find a way to break free in order to survive. This formidable debut fearlessly yet tenderly explores one of society’s last taboos. The feelings the young man entertains for his sister overreach socially accepted norms. Anka herself is somewhat emotionally unstable, floundering as she is in a less than joyous relationship with Andrzej, the leader of a local neo-Nazi group; she dreams of a better future. This formidable debut fearlessly yet tenderly explores one of society's last taboos.

More Info:  IMDB | TMDB

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Cheating Notes

Tadek catches Anka's boyfriend fucking a chick (29:30) and he makes sure to tell Anka. This leads to a riff between the couple but it's not enough to permanently separate them.

During Anka's quarrel period with her boyfriend, Tadek joins her naked in the bathtub (49:46). She isn't pleased, but later that night, she comes into his bedroom to apologize and then she makes love to him (53:38). It's a poorly-lit scene but we can see her boobs.

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Original / Other Title:  Bez wstydu

 Director:  Filip Marczewski

Genres: Drama, Romance

Country:   Poland
Language:  Polish
Release Date:  20 July 2012

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