Sleeping Dog (TV Mini Series) (2023)
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Sleeping Dog
 55 min | Year: 2023 |  Germany

A former detective now living on the streets searches for the truth after a new death raises unnerving doubts about a supposedly settled murder case.

A fallen top police officer and an aspiring young public prosecutor have two very different motives for opening a closed murder case. But when they do, it turns out to be Pandora's box. As the bloody trail seems to lead them ever deeper into the police and the justice system, both parties suspect a conspiracy. Or does it all come back to a terrorist attack that shook the town 18 months ago?

More Info:  IMDB | TMDB

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Related Characters

Mike - A detective who left his job and home several months ago and lives on the streets due to certain things that affected him mentally, like cases he got involved in or drugs he took, etc.

Luka - Mike's former partner in the police department.

Lenni - The wife of Mike. In his absence, she will cheat on him with Luka.

Episode 1

40:52 - Luka consoles Lenni during the absence of her husband Mike. She leans on his chest and her daughter sees them.

46:22 - Mike stakes out his family's home and sees his wife hug Luka in the morning as the latter leaves. Although Luka stayed the night, there's still no affair between him and Lenni at this point and there is no indication that he screwed her.

Episode 2

29:18 - Luka takes Lenni shooting. She vents her frustration for her husband out at the practice targets. Luka hugs her and consoles her while she cries.

35:11, 37:02 - The young female public prosecutor working for the district attorney has sex with an older lawyer. He has a wife, so she is his mistress. We see their initial kissing and her tit but there's no sex action.

Episode 4

3:29 - Mike talks to Luka and accuses him of sleeping with his wife, among others. Luka tells him he's crazy.

10:21 - Luka screws Mike's wife in his boat. Lenni's the one who initiates the kiss and we see her tit.

Episode 5

26:44 - Luka screws the female distric attorney. There's pumping action but she doesn't take off her bra.

Original / Other Title:  Schlafende Hunde

 Director:  Stephan Lacant, Francis Meletzky

Genres: Crime, Mystery, Drama

Country:   Germany
Language:  German
Release Date:  22 June 2023

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