Sons of the Earth (2022)
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Sons of the Earth
 101 min | Year: 2022 |  Bolivia Venezuela

"Hijos de la tierra" presents a drama set a little before the 1920s, in which scattered news, stories and rumors spread the presence of a new wealth, oil, leading to the suspicion that a great change was about to take place.

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Cheating Notes

The American working for a US oil company first meets the Venezuelan businessman's wife during a party hosted by the businessman and attended by government and military bigwigs. She gives him a flirty look while welcoming guests beside her husband. He sees her make out/pet with her current lover, one of the military officers attending the party in the mansion's courtyard (26:11). When she notices him watching, she leads the officer to a more secluded place where they probably have sex. He talks to her later back at the party, flirts with her, and asks her to be his guide to the city. They exchange flirtatious glances at the dinner table, which her husband and her husband's black servant seem to notice.

After securing a business deal with the Venezuelan president, the American begins an affair with the businessman's wife. They have sex at 58:07.

The businessman starts making out with his wife (1:01:52), but then he suddenly slaps her and tells her that he knows about her affair with the gringo. A more extreme incident happens next.

English subtitles (AI)

Original / Other Title:  Hijos de la tierra

 Director:  Jacobo Penzo

Genres: Drama

Country:   Bolivia Venezuela
Language:  Spanish
Release Date:  22 September 2022

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