Tag-init (2004)
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 90 min | Year: 2004 |  Philippines

One mystery envelops a group of friends who goes on a vacation. Will they find the real criminal or be caught with their own mesh?

More Info:  IMDB | TMDB

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Cheating Notes

A group of friends goes on a vacation to a beach house.

41:36 - One of the girls starts having sex with her boyfriend but when he starts getting rough on her in the middle of it, she tells him to get off her and comes out of their bedroom to get some fresh air. She finds one of their male friends on the patio by himself, also sexually rejected by his girlfriend earlier. She tells him that she always had the hots for him and seduces him. They make love against a tree outside the house. Her boyfriend comes out and sees them in the act.

53:55 - Another girl from the group (part of a lesbian couple) sees a male friend taking a shower outdoors. She likes what she sees and has sex with him under the shower. She and her girlfriend fight after.



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