The Cat in Heat (1972) aka La gatta in calore
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 86 min | Year: 1972 |  Italy

Giallo rarity with the delightful Eva Czemerys. Well worth a viewing for those who obsess over the giddy realms of Gialli. (Photography by everyone’s favorite filth hound Joe D’amato) ‘La Gatta In Calore’ is quite a dark, erotically charged Giallo about a beautiful, bored and neglected housewife’s decent into a drug debauched relationship with her abusive and hedonistic neighbour. (The scenes when Czemerys is tormented by her young demented beau and his sleazy, dope-fiend friends is genuinely creepy).

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In this off-beat Giallo, Silvano Tranquili plays a workaholic husband who returns home from yet another long trip away from his wife to find a dead body lying in his front garden, and his wife sitting at a dining table with a gun in front of her. Curiously, he wants to know what's happened, and when his wife declares she still loves the dead guy lying in the garden, it makes for a lengthy flashback that makes up a lot of the film.

You see, Silvano is so engrossed in his work that he's been neglecting his wife Anna, even to the point when he falls asleep during one of their 'special nights', right before he heads off for another business trip. Anna feels a bit put out and finds herself increasingly attracted to her jerk neighbor, a drug-filled hippy artist who regularly has vocal, naked arguments with his various girlfriends. As she keeps spying on him getting it on in his sparse living room, it also becomes apparent that he knows she's watching him.

Back pre-dead guy, we see Anna and her neighbor Massimo hit it off big style, getting it on and doing that romantic thing people do in seventies films where they chase after each other on a beach while giggling. This is all nice until Massimo starts displaying a really dark side which is aggravated by booze and drugs, which has him have two of his stinking hippy girlfriends strip Anna while he thinks of a novel use for an empty coke bottle...

Indeed, by this point, I was thinking Anna wasn't very good in her choice of men as she now has to get away from Massimo while hiding all this nonsense from her husband. This leads to some very tense scenes as Massimo begins to psychologically torture Anna, branding her a cat in heat while his hippy friends howl like cats.

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Original / Other Title:  La gatta in calore

 Director:  Nello Rossati

Genres: Thriller

Country:   Italy
Language:  Italian
Release Date:  1 January 1972

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