Un amore a dondolo (2000)
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 97 min | Year: 2000 |  Italy

Pietro and Lucia both work in the hospital, they have been dating for a long time and their friendship leads to a casual relationship. But, when Lucia marries another doctor, Pietro goes into crisis.

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Cheating Notes

First, Pietro and Lucia are having a non-commital relationship and they have sex at the beginning of the film. Then, Lucia starts fancying another doctor (her future husband), Mario. While having sex with Pietro (5:54 and 10:21), she utters Mario's name, which kind of pisses Pietro.

Lucia starts dating Mario and Pietro starts getting obsessed with her. A month before her marriage to Mario, Lucia makes love to the pleading Pietro (18:36), telling him it would be the last. A few moments after they start making love, Mario arrives at her place and presents Pietro with a letter that instructed Mario to go to her place at that exact moment so that he can catch his future wife and Pietro fucking. Lucia slaps Pietro (because I think the letter comes from him), but the incident doesn't stop Mario from marrying her.

Now married to Mario, Lucia begins a love-hate relationship with Pietro, especially when she gets jealous when she sees his new hot chick. She makes love to him again at 36:34, which she starts by giving him a striptease. Mario arrives, handing Pietro again a letter that instructed Mario to go to the current place at that exact moment to catch the two in the act. He punches Pietro. Lucia parts ways with Mario after that, and she will fuck Pietro again a couple more times.


Original / Other Title:  Un amore a dondolo, A Rocking Love

 Director:  Maurizio Lucidi

Genres: Comedy, Romance

Country:   Italy
Language:  Italian
Release Date:  1 January 2000


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