Viulisti (2018) aka The Violin Player
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 125 min | Year: 2018 |  Denmark Finland

45-year-old Karin is a leading violinist who loses the sensitivity in her fingers after a traffic accident. Since playing the violin is no longer possible for her, she ends up teaching promising young talents. 27-year-old Antti in particular catches her attention and she decides to raise him as high in the music world as she has been. But soon their student-teacher relationship moves towards the gray area of power relations although they are from different worlds and generations. Causes and consequences, dreams and reality - these perceptions are quite different for both parties. She has a son but an unhappy marriage to Jaakko who is trying his best to adapt to her mood swings and ex-lover Björn are also entangled in this web of relationships.

More Info:  IMDB | TMDB

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Cheating Notes

Original / Other Title:  Viulisti, The Violin Player

 Director:  Paavo Westerberg

Genres: Drama, Romance

Country:   Denmark Finland
Language:  Danish, English, suomi
Release Date:  21 June 2018

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