Zu nah am Feuer (2002) aka Too Close to the Fire
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 90 min | Year: 2002 |  Germany

Successful husband, clever children, great job - the lawyer Eva lacks nothing. Except the erotic tingle that she and Richard, a writer have lost in their family life. She realizes that she is spending a stormy night with her colleague Alexander on Amrum. By a stupid mobile phone confusion the next morning everything flies up. A reconciliation with her deeply offended husband seems hopeless. But does she even want to go back to him?

More Info:  IMDB | TMDB

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Cheating Notes

A wife whose husband is old gets stuck on an island on a work-related trip due to a storm and ends up spending the night with her colleague and making love to him. He is attractive and is around her age. She doesn't intend it to be other than a one-night stand and leaves the guy in the morning without waking him up, but he shows up in her office in the mainland a few days later, apparently getting transferred there and will be working with her. They kiss inside an office and are almost caught by their boss, and also while taking a walk beside a river later. Her husband finds out when he observes them talking and interacting in a not-so-colleagues-but-more-like-lovers manner during a party.

Mostly close-up headshots during the lovers' sex scene, with a single shot where the wife's one boob is shown.

Zu nah am Feuer (2002)

Original / Other Title:  Zu nah am Feuer, Too Close to the Fire

 Director:  Dietmar Klein

Genres: Drama

Country:   Germany
Language:  German
Release Date:  9 October 2002


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