A gigolo makes the mistake of getting involved with the local triad leader’s girlfriend. She makes the mistake of falling in love. Crime, sex, and violence in Hong Kong’s world of nightlife.
Details for the movie Don’t Call Me Gigolo (1993)
Other titles: 住家舞男
Director: Ma Siu-Wai
Starring: Stuart Ong, Tsui Man-Wah, Ku Feng, Chan Ting, Shum Wai, Charlie Cho, Cha-Lee
Genre: Asian Erotica, CAT III
Country: Hong Kong
Language: Cantonese
Cheating Scenes in Don’t Call Me Gigolo (1993)
Note: Watched without subtitles.
The triad boss’ girlfriend unintentionally hits the gigolo with her car. He’s kind of ok. She takes him with her to his friend’s house. She leaves him there after making sure that he’s ok but she also gets his number. When she’s alone later, she smiles to herself while recalling the gigolo. She daydreams about him while taking a bath. It seems that she has taken a liking to him.
The girlfriend calls the gigolo a few days later and meets him in a public place. While they are talking, a henchman of the boss sees the girlfriend. The girlfriend is surprised. She probably doesn’t want anyone to see her with some other guy because word might get to her boyfriend.
The girlfriend invites the gigolo for a drink one night. The gigolo gets really drunk so the girlfriend assists him and brings him to a hotel room. There, she fucks the semi-unconscious gigolo. She rides and humps him the whole time and moans with pleasure. When the gigolo wakes up in the morning, he is surprised to find her naked by his side. Maybe he knows who her boyfriend is. She tells him not to worry. They make out and have sex again with the gigolo fully awake this time.
The gigolo starts avoiding the girlfriend by not accepting her call. Probably due to her boyfriend being a triad boss. The girlfriend gets sad and recalls her and the gigolo dating and having sex.
One night, while the girlfriend is out with her boyfriend, she sees the gigolo with another girl and looks intensely at them. Then she gets depressed. This doesn’t escape the attention of her boyfriend and he starts getting suspicious.
The triad boss confronts his girlfriend about the gigolo one day. He slaps her. Then, he and his henchmen beat up the gigolo and his friend. The girlfriend brings the gigolo to the hospital.
The gigolo’s friend meets up with the boss. The boss shoots and kills him. Meanwhile, the girlfriend and the gigolo are having sex somewhere. They come out and talk in front of the house. The boss arrives and shoots the girlfriend’s female friend who have come to warn them. Then he shoots the gigolo. The girlfriend retaliates by shooting and killing the boss. Then she shoots herself.

More info for Don’t Call Me Gigolo (1993)
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