Kalaro (1999) aka Playmate
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Kalaro (1999)
Kalaro (1999)


Aida, Nardo, and Ramon are friends since childhood. When they grow up, Nardo and Ramon both fall in love with Aida. She seems to care for both but she chooses to marry Ramon, whose family is much richer than Nardo’s. Politics and land dispute lead to the destruction of Nardo and Ramon’s friendship. But in the end, when their enemies are all bent to destroy them, who else can the three rely on except each other?

Details for the movie Kalaro (1999)

Director: Mel Chionglo

Starring: Ynez Veneracion, Hazel Espinosa, Rey ‘PJ’ Abellana

Genre: DramaAsian Erotica

Country: Philippines

Language: Filipino

Wife rape and Girlfriend Sharing Scenes in Kalaro (1999)

Note: Watched without subtitles

Aida gets raped and does not tell her husband about it

Unfortunately, Aida (Ynez Veneracion), the main wife character in this movie, did not cheat despite the perfect setup for her to do so. I mean, she is desired by her two childhood friends, Nardo and Ramon, and she marries Ramon by largely considering the guy’s wealth. Then, later in the movie, she is rescued by Nardo from a certain death and brought to the mountains. That is a perfect setup for her to cheat, but no, she did not take it.

She gets raped though, by Rodrigo, one of the henchmen of her husband’s political rival. One night, Rodrigo blocks her car and she is taken out of it by gunpoint. He makes her strip in the middle of a road and he rapes her against a wall in a standing position.

When Aida comes home that night, she cries while she takes a shower to wash off Rodrigo’s traces of sexual assault on her body, but she doesn’t tell her husband about it.

After some time passes, Aida becomes pregnant. Rodrigo and his girlfriend, Suzanne (Hazel Espinosa), blackmail her. They tell her that if she doesn’t give them money, they will tell Ramon that she and Rodrigo had an affair (instead of Rodrigo raping her) which led to her getting pregnant. When Aida finally confesses to Ramon later in the movie, Ramon had their baby checked via DNA testing and they found out that it is Ramon’s child after all and not Rodrigo’s.

Suzanne fucks Ramon and it’s her boyfriend’s idea

Suzanne becomes Ramon’s secretary, but unknown to Ramon, it is the idea of Suzanne’s boyfriend, Rodrigo. The ultimate goal is for Suzanne to seduce Ramon and then use it as a political tool to be used against him.  Rodrigo gets jealous one time when Suzanne tells him that she thinks that Ramon is hot. He says that she can fuck him, but she shouldn’t fall in love with him.

On her first attempt, Suzanne does not succeed in seducing Ramon. But later, when Ramon starts having trouble with his wife, she succeeds and they have sex in his office.

Kalaro (1999) - screenshots
Kalaro (1999) – screenshots

More info for the movie Kalaro (1999)


Watch Full Movie Online: Youtube.com

Info + Torrent Download Link: Torrentz2.eu (poorly seeded)

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